Pretty-print a file set to the file system.
(pprint-fileset fileset file-name options state) → (mv erp val state)
We pretty-print each file in the fileset, at the associated path.
For now we cause an error if there is a header
(which should not be there, but we will add support soon),
and we just generate the source file,
by appending the
(defun pprint-fileset (fileset file-name options state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (filesetp fileset) (stringp file-name) (pprint-options-p options)))) (let ((__function__ 'pprint-fileset)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((path-wo-ext (fileset->path-wo-ext fileset))) (if (fileset->dot-h fileset) (b* (((er &) (pprint-file-to-filesystem (fileset->dot-h fileset) nil options (str::cat path-wo-ext ".h") state))) (pprint-file-to-filesystem (fileset->dot-c fileset) (str::cat file-name ".h") options (str::cat path-wo-ext ".c") state)) (pprint-file-to-filesystem (fileset->dot-c fileset) nil options (str::cat path-wo-ext ".c") state)))))