Check a statement.
(check-stmt s funtab vartab tagenv) → stype
For now we only allow
compound statements,
expression statements,
conditional statements,
These ACL2 functions return either a pair consisting of a non-empty set of types and a variable table (see types+vartab-p), or an error.
For a compound statement, we add a block scope to the variable table and then we process the list of block items. There is no need to explicitly remove the scope when exiting the block, because we only use the extended variable table to check the items of the block. Anything that follows the block is checked with the variable table prior to the extension. In fact, a compound statement does not update the variable table: we return the original variable table.
As expression statements, we only allow function calls and simple assignments to variables, where the assigned expression must be a function call or pure. We only allow function calls with pure arguments (see check-expr-call).
For a conditional statement with both branches, after ensuring that the test expression has scalar type, we check the two branches, and take the union of their return types. We return the initial variable table, unchanged; any change in the branches is local to the branches.
We treat a conditional statement with just one branch
as one whose
For a
For a
For a block item that is a declaration,
we check the (object) declaration,
requiring the initializer
but without requiring it to be constant.
We return the singleton set with
For a block item that is a statement, we check the statement.
If a list of block items is empty, we return
the singleton set with
(defthm return-type-of-check-stmt.stype (b* ((?stype (check-stmt s funtab vartab tagenv))) (types+vartab-resultp stype)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm return-type-of-check-block-item.stype (b* ((?stype (check-block-item item funtab vartab tagenv))) (types+vartab-resultp stype)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm return-type-of-check-block-item-list.stype (b* ((?stype (check-block-item-list items funtab vartab tagenv))) (types+vartab-resultp stype)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm check-stmt-of-stmt-fix-s (equal (check-stmt (stmt-fix s) funtab vartab tagenv) (check-stmt s funtab vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-stmt-of-fun-table-fix-funtab (equal (check-stmt s (fun-table-fix funtab) vartab tagenv) (check-stmt s funtab vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-stmt-of-var-table-fix-vartab (equal (check-stmt s funtab (var-table-fix vartab) tagenv) (check-stmt s funtab vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-stmt-of-tag-env-fix-tagenv (equal (check-stmt s funtab vartab (tag-env-fix tagenv)) (check-stmt s funtab vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-block-item-of-block-item-fix-item (equal (check-block-item (block-item-fix item) funtab vartab tagenv) (check-block-item item funtab vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-block-item-of-fun-table-fix-funtab (equal (check-block-item item (fun-table-fix funtab) vartab tagenv) (check-block-item item funtab vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-block-item-of-var-table-fix-vartab (equal (check-block-item item funtab (var-table-fix vartab) tagenv) (check-block-item item funtab vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-block-item-of-tag-env-fix-tagenv (equal (check-block-item item funtab vartab (tag-env-fix tagenv)) (check-block-item item funtab vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-block-item-list-of-block-item-list-fix-items (equal (check-block-item-list (block-item-list-fix items) funtab vartab tagenv) (check-block-item-list items funtab vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-block-item-list-of-fun-table-fix-funtab (equal (check-block-item-list items (fun-table-fix funtab) vartab tagenv) (check-block-item-list items funtab vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-block-item-list-of-var-table-fix-vartab (equal (check-block-item-list items funtab (var-table-fix vartab) tagenv) (check-block-item-list items funtab vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-block-item-list-of-tag-env-fix-tagenv (equal (check-block-item-list items funtab vartab (tag-env-fix tagenv)) (check-block-item-list items funtab vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-stmt-stmt-equiv-congruence-on-s (implies (stmt-equiv s s-equiv) (equal (check-stmt s funtab vartab tagenv) (check-stmt s-equiv funtab vartab tagenv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-stmt-fun-table-equiv-congruence-on-funtab (implies (fun-table-equiv funtab funtab-equiv) (equal (check-stmt s funtab vartab tagenv) (check-stmt s funtab-equiv vartab tagenv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-stmt-var-table-equiv-congruence-on-vartab (implies (var-table-equiv vartab vartab-equiv) (equal (check-stmt s funtab vartab tagenv) (check-stmt s funtab vartab-equiv tagenv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-stmt-tag-env-equiv-congruence-on-tagenv (implies (tag-env-equiv tagenv tagenv-equiv) (equal (check-stmt s funtab vartab tagenv) (check-stmt s funtab vartab tagenv-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-block-item-block-item-equiv-congruence-on-item (implies (block-item-equiv item item-equiv) (equal (check-block-item item funtab vartab tagenv) (check-block-item item-equiv funtab vartab tagenv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-block-item-fun-table-equiv-congruence-on-funtab (implies (fun-table-equiv funtab funtab-equiv) (equal (check-block-item item funtab vartab tagenv) (check-block-item item funtab-equiv vartab tagenv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-block-item-var-table-equiv-congruence-on-vartab (implies (var-table-equiv vartab vartab-equiv) (equal (check-block-item item funtab vartab tagenv) (check-block-item item funtab vartab-equiv tagenv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-block-item-tag-env-equiv-congruence-on-tagenv (implies (tag-env-equiv tagenv tagenv-equiv) (equal (check-block-item item funtab vartab tagenv) (check-block-item item funtab vartab tagenv-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-block-item-list-block-item-list-equiv-congruence-on-items (implies (block-item-list-equiv items items-equiv) (equal (check-block-item-list items funtab vartab tagenv) (check-block-item-list items-equiv funtab vartab tagenv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-block-item-list-fun-table-equiv-congruence-on-funtab (implies (fun-table-equiv funtab funtab-equiv) (equal (check-block-item-list items funtab vartab tagenv) (check-block-item-list items funtab-equiv vartab tagenv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-block-item-list-var-table-equiv-congruence-on-vartab (implies (var-table-equiv vartab vartab-equiv) (equal (check-block-item-list items funtab vartab tagenv) (check-block-item-list items funtab vartab-equiv tagenv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-block-item-list-tag-env-equiv-congruence-on-tagenv (implies (tag-env-equiv tagenv tagenv-equiv) (equal (check-block-item-list items funtab vartab tagenv) (check-block-item-list items funtab vartab tagenv-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-stmt-var-table-no-change (b* ((result (check-stmt s funtab vartab tagenv))) (implies (types+vartab-p result) (equal (types+vartab->variables result) (var-table-fix vartab)))))