SMT-prove is the main functions for transliteration into SMT languages and calling the external SMT solver.
(defun make-fname (dir fname state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (stringp dir) (stringp fname)))) (let ((acl2::__function__ 'make-fname)) (declare (ignorable acl2::__function__)) (b* ((dir (str-fix dir)) (fname (str-fix fname)) (dir (if (equal dir "") "/tmp/py_file" dir)) ((unless (equal fname "")) (mv (concatenate 'string dir "/" fname) state)) (cmd (concatenate 'string "mkdir -p " dir " && " "mktemp " dir "/smtlink.XXXXX"))) (mv-let (exit-status lines state) (time$ (tshell-call cmd :print nil :save t) :msg "" :args (list cmd)) (if (and (equal exit-status 0) (not (equal lines nil))) (mv (car lines) state) (prog2$ (er hard? 'smt-prove=>make-fname "Error: Command ~x0 ~ failed." cmd) (mv "" state)))))))
(defthm stringp-of-make-fname.full-fname (b* (((mv ?full-fname acl2::?state) (make-fname dir fname state))) (stringp full-fname)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defun smt-prove (term smtlink-hint state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (pseudo-termp term) (smtlink-hint-p smtlink-hint)))) (let ((acl2::__function__ 'smt-prove)) (declare (ignorable acl2::__function__)) (b* ((term (pseudo-term-fix term)) (smtlink-hint (smtlink-hint-fix smtlink-hint)) (flextypes-table (table-alist 'fty::flextypes-table (w state))) ((unless (alistp flextypes-table)) (mv nil nil state)) (smtlink-hint1 (generate-fty-info-alist smtlink-hint flextypes-table)) (smtlink-hint2 (generate-fty-types-top smtlink-hint1 flextypes-table)) ((smtlink-hint h) smtlink-hint2) (c h.smt-cnf) ((mv smt-file state) (make-fname h.smt-dir h.smt-fname state)) ((mv smt-term smt-precond) (smt-translation term h state)) ((mv head import) (smt-head c)) (state (smt-write-file smt-file head import smt-term state)) ((mv result state) (smt-interpret smt-file h.rm-file c state))) (mv result smt-precond state))))