The address at a given index in a set of addresses.
(nth-address index addrs) → addr
ACL2 osets are ordered sets, according to ACL2's total order on values, and so they can be treated as lists (without repetitions); in fact, that is exactly how they are represented. In particular, it makes sense to retrieve the element of a set that occupies a given position in the sequential order. As in lists, we index the positions starting from 0.
This could be a more general operation on sets. Another option could be simply to use nth, since osets are lists.
(defun nth-address (index addrs) (declare (xargs :guard (and (natp index) (address-setp addrs)))) (declare (xargs :guard (< index (cardinality addrs)))) (let ((__function__ 'nth-address)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (cond ((emptyp addrs) (prog2$ (impossible) (address :irrelevant))) ((zp index) (address-fix (head addrs))) (t (nth-address (1- index) (tail addrs))))))
(defthm addressp-of-nth-address (b* ((addr (nth-address index addrs))) (addressp addr)) :rule-classes :rewrite)