Single-step execution.
We make no change if the error flag is set. Otherwise, we read the program counter, we read the 32-bit of the instruction from there (which is always little endian [ISA:1.5.1]), we decode it, and, if we obtain an instruction, we run the semantic function of the instruction; if decoding fails, we set the error flag instead.
(defun step32 (stat) (declare (xargs :guard (state32p stat))) (let ((__function__ 'step32)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((when (error32p stat)) (state32-fix stat)) (pc (read32-pc stat)) (enc (read32-mem-ubyte32-lendian pc stat)) (instr? (decode enc t)) ((unless instr?) (error32 stat))) (exec32-instr instr? pc stat))))
(defthm state32p-of-step32 (b* ((new-stat (step32 stat))) (state32p new-stat)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm step32-of-state32-fix-stat (equal (step32 (state32-fix stat)) (step32 stat)))
(defthm step32-state32-equiv-congruence-on-stat (implies (state32-equiv stat stat-equiv) (equal (step32 stat) (step32 stat-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)