Turn a XDOC tree into the string it represents.
An XDOC tree is turned into a string as follows.
A leaf tree is already a string and is left unchanged.
For a non-leaf tree, the subtrees are recursively turned into strings
and concatenated;
then the resulting string is surrounded by text
determined by the root of the non-leaf tree.
If the root represents a tree concatenation,
no surrounding text is actually added.
If the root represents a preprocessor directive,
the surrounding text
As noted
Note that the symbol-name of a keyword tag consists of uppercase letters. We use string-downcase$ to produce lowercase tags and directives. We expect that this function will never throw an error with the tags and directives supported.
(defun tree-to-string (tree) (declare (xargs :guard (treep tree))) (cond ((atom tree) (if (mbt (stringp tree)) tree "")) (t (let ((subtrees-string (tree-list-to-string (cdr tree)))) (mv-let (left-string right-string) (keyword-or-tree-tag-to-strings (car tree)) (concatenate 'string left-string subtrees-string right-string))))))
(defun tree-list-to-string (trees) (declare (xargs :guard (tree-listp trees))) (cond ((endp trees) "") (t (concatenate 'string (tree-to-string (car trees)) (tree-list-to-string (cdr trees))))))
(defun keyword-or-tree-tag-to-strings (keyword/tag) (declare (xargs :guard (or (keywordp keyword/tag) (tree-tagp keyword/tag)))) (cond ((eq keyword/tag :&&) (mv "" "")) ((member-eq keyword/tag '(:|@''| :@{} :|@``| :@$$ :@[])) (let* ((left-char (char (symbol-name keyword/tag) 1)) (right-char (char (symbol-name keyword/tag) 2)) (left-chars (list #\@ #\( left-char)) (right-chars (list right-char #\))) (left-string (coerce left-chars 'string)) (right-string (coerce right-chars 'string))) (mv left-string right-string))) ((atom keyword/tag) (let ((keyword-chars (coerce (symbol-name keyword/tag) 'list))) (if (and (consp keyword-chars) (eql (car keyword-chars) #\@)) (let* ((keyword-string (coerce (cdr keyword-chars) 'string)) (keyword-string (string-downcase$ keyword-string)) (left-string (concatenate 'string "@(" keyword-string " ")) (right-string ")")) (mv left-string right-string)) (prog2$ (er hard? 'tree-to-string "Cannot process XDOC tree with root ~x0." keyword/tag) (mv "" ""))))) (t (let* ((keyword (car keyword/tag)) (keyword-chars (coerce (symbol-name keyword) 'list)) (keyword-string (coerce keyword-chars 'string)) (keyword-string (string-downcase$ keyword-string)) (attributes (cdr keyword/tag)) (attributes-string (keyword-tree-alist-to-string attributes)) (left-string (concatenate 'string "<" keyword-string attributes-string ">")) (right-string (concatenate 'string "</" keyword-string ">"))) (mv left-string right-string)))))
(defun keyword-tree-alist-to-string (attributes) (declare (xargs :guard (keyword-tree-alistp attributes))) (cond ((endp attributes) "") (t (let* ((attribute (car attributes)) (keyword (car attribute)) (tree (cdr attribute)) (keyword-chars (coerce (symbol-name keyword) 'list)) (keyword-string (coerce keyword-chars 'string)) (keyword-string (string-downcase$ keyword-string)) (tree-string (tree-to-string tree)) (attribute-string (concatenate 'string " " keyword-string "=\"" tree-string "\"")) (rest-attributes (cdr attributes)) (rest-attribute-string (keyword-tree-alist-to-string rest-attributes))) (concatenate 'string attribute-string rest-attribute-string)))))
(defthm stringp-of-tree-to-string (stringp (tree-to-string tree)))
(defthm stringp-of-tree-list-to-string (stringp (tree-list-to-string trees)))
(defthm stringp-of-mv-nth-0-keyword-or-tree-tag-to-strings (implies (or (keywordp keyword/tag) (tree-tagp keyword/tag)) (stringp (mv-nth 0 (keyword-or-tree-tag-to-strings keyword/tag)))))
(defthm stringp-of-mv-nth-1-keyword-or-tree-tag-to-strings (stringp (mv-nth 1 (keyword-or-tree-tag-to-strings keyword/tag))))
(defthm stringp-of-keyword-tree-alist-to-string (stringp (keyword-tree-alist-to-string attributes)))