Read ELF section headers
(read-section-headers nsections w rest-of-the-file acc) → section-headers
(defun read-section-headers (nsections w rest-of-the-file acc) (declare (xargs :guard (and (natp nsections) (natp w) (byte-listp rest-of-the-file) (elf-section-headers-p acc)))) (let ((__function__ 'read-section-headers)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (if (zp nsections) (reverse acc) (b* (((unless (or (equal w 4) (equal w 8))) (prog2$ (raise "Width of fields expected to be either 4 or 8, but it is ~x0 instead!" w) (reverse acc))) ((mv sh_name rest-of-the-file) (merge-first-split-bytes 4 rest-of-the-file)) ((mv sh_type rest-of-the-file) (merge-first-split-bytes 4 rest-of-the-file)) ((mv sh_flags rest-of-the-file) (merge-first-split-bytes w rest-of-the-file)) ((mv sh_addr rest-of-the-file) (merge-first-split-bytes w rest-of-the-file)) ((mv sh_offset rest-of-the-file) (merge-first-split-bytes w rest-of-the-file)) ((mv sh_size rest-of-the-file) (merge-first-split-bytes w rest-of-the-file)) ((mv sh_link rest-of-the-file) (merge-first-split-bytes 4 rest-of-the-file)) ((mv sh_info rest-of-the-file) (merge-first-split-bytes 4 rest-of-the-file)) ((mv sh_addralign rest-of-the-file) (merge-first-split-bytes w rest-of-the-file)) ((mv sh_entsize rest-of-the-file) (merge-first-split-bytes w rest-of-the-file)) (section (make-elf-section-header :name sh_name :type sh_type :flags sh_flags :addr sh_addr :offset sh_offset :size sh_size :link sh_link :info sh_info :addralign sh_addralign :entsize sh_entsize))) (read-section-headers (1- nsections) w rest-of-the-file (cons section acc))))))
(defthm elf-section-headers-p-of-read-section-headers (implies (elf-section-headers-p acc) (b* ((section-headers (read-section-headers nsections w rest-of-the-file acc))) (elf-section-headers-p section-headers))) :rule-classes :rewrite)