Validate some of the inputs to defun-inst and generate the event form to submit.
(defun-inst-fn fun sofun-inst options ctx state) → (mv erp event state)
We directly check the name and instance designation,
we directly check the correct presence of keyed options
(we do that in
defun-inst-choice-events, and
defun-inst-quant-events), and
we directly check the correct value of the
Prior to introducing
(defun defun-inst-fn (fun sofun-inst options ctx state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard t)) (let ((__function__ 'defun-inst-fn)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((wrld (w state)) ((unless (symbolp fun)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The first input must be a name, but ~x0 is not." fun)) ((unless (check-sofun-inst sofun-inst wrld)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The second input must be ~ the name of a second-order function ~ followed by the pairs of an instantiation, ~ but ~x0 is not." sofun-inst)) (sofun (car sofun-inst)) (inst (cdr sofun-inst)) ((unless (subsetp (alist-keys inst) (sofun-funvars sofun wrld))) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "Each function variable key of ~x0 must be ~ among the function variables ~x1 ~ that ~x2 depends on." inst (sofun-funvars sofun wrld) sofun)) ((unless (keyword-value-listp options)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The inputs after the second input ~ must be a keyword-value list, ~ but ~x0 is not." options)) (keywords (evens options)) ((unless (no-duplicatesp keywords)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The input keywords must be unique.")) (print-pair (assoc-keyword :print options)) (print (if print-pair (cadr print-pair) :result)) ((unless (member-eq print '(nil :all :result))) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The :PRINT input must be NIL, :ALL, or :RESULT, ~ but ~x0 is not." print)) ((er (list fun-intro-events result funvars)) (case (sofun-kind sofun wrld) (plain (defun-inst-plain-events fun sofun inst options ctx state)) (choice (defun-inst-choice-events fun sofun inst options ctx state)) (quant (defun-inst-quant-events fun sofun inst options ctx state)) (t (prog2$ (impossible) (value (list nil nil)))))) (instmap (sof-instances sofun wrld)) (new-instmap (put-sof-instance inst fun instmap wrld)) (encapsulate (cons 'encapsulate (cons 'nil (cons '(set-ignore-ok t) (cons '(set-irrelevant-formals-ok t) (append fun-intro-events (cons (cons 'table (cons 'sof-instances (cons (cons 'quote (cons sofun 'nil)) (cons (cons 'quote (cons new-instmap 'nil)) 'nil)))) 'nil)))))) ) (result-event (cons 'cw-event (cons '"~x0~|" (cons (cons 'quote (cons result 'nil)) 'nil)))) (print-funvar-event (if funvars (cons 'cw-event (cons '"The function ~x0 depends on the function variables ~x1.~%" (cons (cons 'quote (cons fun 'nil)) (cons (cons 'quote (cons funvars 'nil)) 'nil)))) (cons 'cw-event (cons '"The function ~x0 depends on no function variables.~%" (cons (cons 'quote (cons fun 'nil)) 'nil))))) (return-value-event (cons 'value-triple (cons (cons 'quote (cons fun 'nil)) 'nil))) (event (cond ((eq print nil) (cons 'progn (cons encapsulate (cons print-funvar-event (cons return-value-event 'nil))))) ((eq print :all) (restore-output (cons 'progn (cons encapsulate (cons print-funvar-event (cons return-value-event 'nil)))))) ((eq print :result) (cons 'progn (cons encapsulate (cons result-event (cons print-funvar-event (cons return-value-event 'nil)))))) (t (impossible))))) (value event))))