Execute a sequence of commands.
(defisar-commands commands name formula hyps events facts bindings disable rule-classes ctx state) → (mv erp events state)
(defun defisar-commands (commands name formula hyps events facts bindings disable rule-classes ctx state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (true-listp commands) (symbolp name) (true-listp hyps) (pseudo-event-form-listp events) (keyword-fact-info-alistp facts) (symbol-alistp bindings) (booleanp disable)))) (let ((__function__ 'defisar-commands)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((when (endp commands)) (value (cons '(cw-event "~%~%~%~s0~s1~s0~%" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " The proof is partial (no :QED). ") events))) (command (car commands)) ((unless (and (true-listp command) (consp command))) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "Malformed proof command ~x0." command)) (command-name (car command)) ((unless (keywordp command-name)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "Non-keyword proof command name ~x0." command-name))) (case command-name (:assume (b* (((mv erp (list events facts) state) (defisar-assume (cdr command) name hyps events facts bindings ctx state)) ((when erp) (mv erp nil state))) (defisar-commands (cdr commands) name formula hyps events facts bindings disable rule-classes ctx state))) (:let (b* (((mv erp bindings state) (defisar-let (cdr command) bindings ctx state)) ((when erp) (mv erp nil state))) (defisar-commands (cdr commands) name formula hyps events facts bindings disable rule-classes ctx state))) (:derive (b* (((mv erp (list events facts) state) (defisar-derive (cdr command) name events facts bindings ctx state)) ((when erp) (mv erp nil state))) (defisar-commands (cdr commands) name formula hyps events facts bindings disable rule-classes ctx state))) (:qed (b* (((run-unless (endp (cdr commands))) (cw "Commands ~x0 found after :QED." (cdr commands)))) (value (defisar-qed name formula events facts disable rule-classes)))) (t (er-soft+ ctx t nil "Unrecognized command ~x0." command-name))))))
(defthm pseudo-event-form-listp-of-defisar-commands.events (implies (and (pseudo-event-form-listp events) (keyword-fact-info-alistp facts)) (b* (((mv ?erp ?events acl2::?state) (defisar-commands commands name formula hyps events facts bindings disable rule-classes ctx state))) (pseudo-event-form-listp events))) :rule-classes :rewrite)