Process the
(tailrec-process-old old variant verify-guards verbose ctx state) → (mv erp result state)
Show the components of the function denoted by
(defun tailrec-process-old (old variant verify-guards verbose ctx state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (booleanp verbose))) (let ((__function__ 'tailrec-process-old)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((wrld (w state)) ((er old$) (ensure-function-name-or-numbered-wildcard$ old "The first input" t nil)) (description (msg "The target function ~x0" old$)) ((er &) (ensure-function-is-logic-mode$ old$ description t nil)) ((er &) (ensure-function-is-defined$ old$ description t nil)) ((er &) (ensure-function-number-of-results$ old$ 1 description t nil)) ((er &) (ensure-function-no-stobjs$ old$ description t nil)) ((er &) (ensure-function-singly-recursive$ old$ description t nil)) ((er &) (ensure-function-known-measure$ old$ description t nil)) (body (if (non-executablep old$ wrld) (unwrapped-nonexec-body old$ wrld) (ubody old$ wrld))) (body (remove-lambdas body)) ((er (list test then else)) (ensure-term-if-call$ body (msg "After translation and LET expansion, ~ the body ~x0 of the target function ~x1" body old$) t nil)) (then-calls-old-p (ffnnamep old$ then)) (else-calls-old-p (ffnnamep old$ else)) ((when (and then-calls-old-p else-calls-old-p)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "After translation and LET expansion, ~ the body ~x0 of the target fuction ~x1 ~ must have one non-recursive top-level IF branch; however, both branches call ~x1." body old$)) ((mv test base combine-nonrec-reccall) (if then-calls-old-p (mv (dumb-negate-lit test) else then) (mv test then else))) ((er &) (ensure-term-does-not-call$ test old$ (msg "After translation and LET expansion, ~ the exit test ~x0 ~ of the target function ~x1" test old$) t nil)) ((er &) (if (member-eq variant '(:monoid :monoid-alt)) (ensure-term-ground$ base (msg "Since the :VARIANT input is ~s0~x1, ~ after translation and LET expansion, ~ the non-recursive branch ~x2 ~ of the target function ~x3" (if (eq variant :monoid) "(perhaps by default) " "") variant base old$) t nil) (value nil))) ((er (list nonrec updates combine q r)) (tailrec-decompose-recursive-branch old$ combine-nonrec-reccall ctx state)) ((er &) (if (eq verify-guards t) (ensure-function-is-guard-verified$ old$ (msg "Since the :VERIFY-GUARDS input is T, ~ the target function ~x0" old$) t nil) (value nil))) ((run-when verbose) (cw "~%") (cw "Components of the target function ~x0:~%" old$) (cw "- Exit test: ~x0.~%" (untranslate test nil wrld)) (cw "- Base value: ~x0.~%" (untranslate base nil wrld)) (cw "- Non-recursive computation: ~x0.~%" (untranslate nonrec nil wrld)) (cw "- Argument updates: ~x0.~%" (untranslate-lst updates nil wrld)) (cw "- Combination operator: ~x0.~%" (untranslate combine nil wrld)) (cw "- Fresh variable for non-recursive computation: ~x0.~%" q) (cw "- Fresh variable for recursive call: ~x0.~%" r))) (value (list old$ test base nonrec updates combine q r)))))