Process the
(restrict-process-restriction restriction old verify-guards ctx state) → (mv erp restriction state)
(defun restrict-process-restriction (restriction old verify-guards ctx state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (symbolp old) (booleanp verify-guards)))) (let ((__function__ 'restrict-process-restriction)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((wrld (w state)) (restriction (if (equal restriction ':guard) (guard old nil wrld) restriction)) ((er (list term stobjs-out)) (ensure-value-is-untranslated-term$ restriction "The second input" t nil)) (description (msg "The term ~x0 that denotes the restricting predicate" restriction)) ((er &) (ensure-term-free-vars-subset$ term (formals old wrld) description t nil)) ((er &) (ensure-term-logic-mode$ term description t nil)) ((er &) (ensure-function/lambda/term-number-of-results$ stobjs-out 1 description t nil)) ((er &) (ensure-term-no-stobjs$ stobjs-out description t nil)) ((er &) (if (eq verify-guards t) (ensure-term-guard-verified-exec-fns$ term (msg "Since either the :VERIFY-GUARDS input is T, ~ or it is (perhaps by default) :AUTO ~ and the target function ~x0 is guard-verified, ~@1" old (msg-downcase-first description)) t nil) (value nil))) ((er &) (ensure-term-does-not-call$ term old description t nil))) (value term))))