Process a
(expdata-process-surj surj k old$ verify-guards$ names-to-avoid ctx state) → (mv erp result state)
If instead
If the processing is successful,
we return the surjective mapping record specified by
(defun expdata-process-surj (surj k old$ verify-guards$ names-to-avoid ctx state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (posp k) (symbolp old$) (booleanp verify-guards$) (symbol-listp names-to-avoid)))) (let ((__function__ 'expdata-process-surj)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (if (atom surj) (b* (((er &) (ensure-value-is-symbol$ surj (msg "The ~n0 SURJ component ~x1 ~ of the second input ~ must be a symbol or a list. ~ Since it is an atom," (list k) surj) t nil)) (info (defsurj-lookup surj (w state))) ((unless info) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The ~n0 SURJ component of the second input, ~ which is the symbol ~x1, ~ must be the name of an existing DEFSURJ, ~ but no DEFSURJ with this name exists. ~ See :DOC DEFSURJ." (list k) surj)) ((defmapping-info info) info) ((when (and verify-guards$ (null info.doma-guard))) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "Since the :VERIFY-GUARDS input is T, ~ or it is (perhaps by default) :AUTO ~ and the target function ~x0 is guard-verified, ~ the DEFSURJ ~x1 must include ~ the guard-related theorems, ~ but it does not. ~ See :DOC DEFSURJ." old$ surj)) (surjmap (make-expdata-surjmap :surjname surj :localp nil :oldp info.domb :newp info.doma :forth info.beta :back info.alpha :forth-image info.beta-image :back-image info.alpha-image :back-of-forth info.alpha-of-beta :forth-injective info.alpha-injective :oldp-guard info.domb-guard :newp-guard info.doma-guard :forth-guard info.beta-guard :back-guard info.alpha-guard :hints nil))) (value (list surjmap names-to-avoid))) (b* ((wrld (w state)) (surjname (packn-pos (list 'defsurj-expdata- old$ '- k) old$)) (surjname (expdata-fresh-defsurj-name-with-*s-suffix surjname wrld)) ((mv forth-image back-image back-of-forth oldp-guard newp-guard forth-guard back-guard forth-injective names-to-avoid) (expdata-fresh-defsurj-thm-names surjname verify-guards$ names-to-avoid wrld)) ((unless (true-listp surj)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The ~n0 SURJ component ~x1 of the second input ~ must be a symbol or a list. ~ Since it is not an atom, it must be a list." (list k) surj)) ((unless (or (= (len surj) 4) (= (len surj) 6))) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The ~n0 SURJ component ~x1 of the second input ~ must be a list of length 4 or 6." (list k) surj)) (oldp (first surj)) (newp (second surj)) (forth (third surj)) (back (fourth surj)) ((unless (or (= (len surj) 4) (eq (fifth surj) :hints))) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The fifth component ~x0 ~ of the ~n1 SURJ component ~x2 ~ of the second input ~ must be the keyword :HINTS." (fifth surj) (list k) surj)) (hints (and (= (len surj) 6) (sixth surj))) (ctx-defsurj (cons 'defsurj surjname)) ((er (list newp$ oldp$ back$ forth$)) (acl2::defmapping-process-functions newp oldp back forth verify-guards$ ctx-defsurj state)) (oldp-arity (arity oldp$ wrld)) ((unless (= oldp-arity 1)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The first component ~x0 ~ of the ~n1 SURJ component ~ of the third input ~ must have one argument, but it has ~x2 arguments instead." oldp (list k) oldp-arity)) (newp-arity (arity newp$ wrld)) ((unless (= newp-arity 1)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The second component ~x0 ~ of the ~n1 SURJ component ~ of the third input ~ must have one argument, but it has ~x2 arguments instead." newp (list k) newp-arity)) (surjmap (make-expdata-surjmap :surjname surjname :localp t :oldp oldp$ :newp newp$ :forth forth$ :back back$ :forth-image forth-image :back-image back-image :back-of-forth back-of-forth :forth-injective forth-injective :oldp-guard oldp-guard :newp-guard newp-guard :forth-guard forth-guard :back-guard back-guard :hints hints))) (value (list surjmap names-to-avoid))))))