Process the
(solve-process-old old verify-guards ctx state) → (mv erp result state)
(defun solve-process-old (old verify-guards ctx state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard t)) (let ((__function__ 'solve-process-old)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((wrld (w state)) ((er old) (ensure-function-name-or-numbered-wildcard$ old "The first input" t nil)) ((when (and (eq verify-guards t) (not (guard-verified-p old wrld)))) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "Since the :VERIFY-GUARDS input is T, ~ the target function ~x0 must be guard-verified, ~ but it is not." old)) ((unless (soft::quant-sofunp old wrld)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The target function ~x0 ~ must be a SOFT quantifier function." old)) (funvars (soft::sofun-funvars old wrld)) ((unless (= (len funvars) 1)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The target function ~x0 ~ must depend on exactly one function variable, ~ but instead it depends on ~x1." old funvars)) (??f (car funvars)) ((when (consp (formals old wrld))) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The target function ~x0 ~ must have no parameters, but instead it has parameters ~x1." old (formals old wrld))) ((unless (eq (defun-sk-quantifier old wrld) 'forall)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The quantifier of the target function ~x0 ~ must be universal, but it is existential instead." old)) (x1...xn (defun-sk-bound-vars old wrld)) (imatrix (defun-sk-imatrix old wrld)) (matrix (defun-sk-matrix old wrld)) (calls (all-calls (list ?f) matrix nil nil)) ((unless (= (len calls) 1)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The matrix ~x0 of the target function ~x1, ~ after translation and LET expansion, ~ must contains exactly one call of ~x2, ~ but it contains ~@3 instead." imatrix old ?f (if (consp calls) (msg "multiple calls ~&0" calls) "no calls"))) (call (car calls)) ((unless (equal (fargs call) x1...xn)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The matrix ~x0 of the target function ~x1, ~ after translation and LET expansion, ~ must call ~x2 on the variables ~x3, ~ but it calls it on ~x4 instead." imatrix old ?f x1...xn (fargs call)))) (value (list old ?f x1...xn matrix)))))