Event to generate the model of the values of a C integer type.
(def-integer-values type) → event
(defun def-integer-values (type) (declare (xargs :guard (typep type))) (declare (xargs :guard (type-nonchar-integerp type))) (let ((__function__ 'def-integer-values)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((type-string (integer-type-xdoc-string type)) (signedp (type-signed-integerp type)) (<type> (integer-type-to-fixtype type)) (<type>p (pack <type> 'p)) (<type>-fix (pack <type> '-fix)) (<type>-fix-when-<type>p (pack <type>-fix '-when- <type>p)) (<type>-equiv (pack <type> '-equiv)) (<type>-integer (pack <type> '-integer)) (<type>-integerp (pack <type>-integer 'p)) (<type>-integerp-alt-def (pack <type>-integerp '-alt-def)) (<type>-integer-list (pack <type>-integer '-list)) (<type>-integer-listp (pack <type>-integer-list 'p)) (<type>-integer-list-fix (pack <type>-integer-list '-fix)) (<type>-integer-fix (pack <type>-integer '-fix)) (<type>-max (pack <type> '-max)) (<type>-min (pack <type> '-min)) (integer-from-<type> (pack 'integer-from- <type>)) (<type>-from-integer (pack <type> '-from-integer)) (<type>-from-integer-of-integer-from-<type> (pack <type>-from-integer '-of- integer-from-<type>)) (integer-from-<type>-of-<type>-from-integer (pack integer-from-<type> '-of- <type>-from-integer)) (equal-of-<type>-from-integer (pack 'equal-of- <type>-from-integer)) (consp-when-<type>p (pack 'consp-when- <type>p)) (<type>-list (pack <type> '-list)) (<type>-listp (pack <type>-list 'p)) (<type>-list-fix (pack <type>-list '-fix)) (integer-list-from-<type>-list (pack 'integer-list-from- <type>-list)) (<type>-list-from-integer-list (pack <type>-list '-from-integer-list)) (<type>-list-from-integer-list-of-integer-list-from-<type>-list (pack <type>-list-from-integer-list '-of- integer-list-from-<type>-list)) (integer-list-from-<type>-list-of-<type>-list-from-integer-list (pack integer-list-from-<type>-list '-of- <type>-list-from-integer-list)) (<type>-from-integer-mod (pack <type>-from-integer '-mod)) (true-listp-when-<type>-listp-rewrite (pack 'true-listp-when- <type>-listp '-rewrite))) (cons 'progn (append (and (type-case type :char) (raise "Type ~x0 not supported." type)) (cons (cons 'define (cons <type>p (cons '(x) (cons ':returns (cons '(yes/no booleanp) (cons ':short (cons (str::cat "Recognizer of values of " type-string ".") (cons (cons 'and (cons '(consp x) (cons (cons 'eq (cons '(car x) (cons (type-kind type) 'nil))) (cons '(true-listp (cdr x)) (cons '(eql (len (cdr x)) 1) (cons (cons 'b* (cons '((get (std::da-nth 0 (cdr x)))) (cons (cons <type>-integerp '(get)) 'nil))) 'nil)))))) (cons '/// (cons (cons 'defrule (cons consp-when-<type>p (cons (cons 'implies (cons (cons <type>p '(x)) '((consp x)))) '(:rule-classes :compound-recognizer)))) 'nil)))))))))) (cons (cons 'define (cons <type>-fix (cons (cons (cons 'x (cons <type>p 'nil)) 'nil) (cons ':returns (cons (cons 'fixed-x (cons <type>p 'nil)) (cons ':short (cons (str::cat "Fixer for values of " type-string ".") (cons (cons 'mbe (cons ':logic (cons (cons 'b* (cons (cons (cons 'get (cons (cons <type>-integer-fix '((std::da-nth 0 (cdr x)))) 'nil)) 'nil) (cons (cons 'cons (cons (type-kind type) '((list get)))) 'nil))) '(:exec x)))) (cons ':prepwork (cons (cons (cons 'local (cons (cons 'in-theory (cons (cons 'enable (cons <type>p 'nil)) 'nil)) 'nil)) 'nil) (cons '/// (cons (cons 'defrule (cons <type>-fix-when-<type>p (cons (cons 'implies (cons (cons <type>p '(x)) (cons (cons 'equal (cons (cons <type>-fix '(x)) '(x))) 'nil))) 'nil))) 'nil)))))))))))) (cons (cons 'defsection (cons <type> (cons ':short (cons (str::cat "Fixtype of values of " type-string ".") (cons (cons 'fty::deffixtype (cons <type> (cons ':pred (cons <type>p (cons ':fix (cons <type>-fix (cons ':equiv (cons <type>-equiv (cons ':define (cons 't (cons ':topic (cons <type>p 'nil)))))))))))) 'nil))))) (cons (cons 'define (cons <type>-from-integer (cons (cons (cons 'get (cons <type>-integerp 'nil)) 'nil) (cons ':returns (cons (cons 'y (cons <type>p (cons ':hints (cons (cons (cons '"Goal" (cons ':in-theory (cons (cons 'enable (cons <type>p 'nil)) 'nil))) 'nil) 'nil)))) (cons ':short (cons (str::cat "Constructor for values of " type-string ".") (cons (cons 'b* (cons (cons (cons 'get (cons (cons 'mbe (cons ':logic (cons (cons <type>-integer-fix '(get)) '(:exec get)))) 'nil)) 'nil) (cons (cons 'cons (cons (type-kind type) '((list get)))) 'nil))) '(:hooks (:fix)))))))))) (cons (cons 'define (cons integer-from-<type> (cons (cons (cons 'x (cons <type>p 'nil)) 'nil) (cons ':returns (cons (cons 'y (cons <type>-integerp 'nil)) (cons ':short (cons (str::cat "Accessor for values of " type-string ".") (cons (cons 'mbe (cons ':logic (cons (cons 'b* (cons '((x (and t x))) (cons (cons <type>-integer-fix '((std::da-nth 0 (cdr x)))) 'nil))) '(:exec (std::da-nth 0 (cdr x)))))) (cons ':prepwork (cons (cons (cons 'local (cons (cons 'in-theory (cons (cons 'enable (cons <type>p (cons <type>-fix 'nil))) 'nil)) 'nil)) 'nil) (cons ':hooks (cons '(:fix) (cons '/// (cons (cons 'defrule (cons <type>-from-integer-of-integer-from-<type> (cons (cons 'equal (cons (cons <type>-from-integer (cons (cons integer-from-<type> '(x)) 'nil)) (cons (cons <type>-fix '(x)) 'nil))) (cons ':enable (cons (cons <type>-from-integer (cons <type>-fix 'nil)) 'nil))))) (cons (cons 'defrule (cons integer-from-<type>-of-<type>-from-integer (cons (cons 'equal (cons (cons integer-from-<type> (cons (cons <type>-from-integer '(get)) 'nil)) (cons (cons <type>-integer-fix '(get)) 'nil))) (cons ':enable (cons <type>-from-integer 'nil))))) (cons (cons 'defrule (cons (pack integer-from-<type> '-upper-bound) (cons (cons '<= (cons (cons integer-from-<type> '(x)) (cons (cons <type>-max 'nil) 'nil))) (cons ':rule-classes (cons ':linear (cons ':enable (cons (cons integer-from-<type> (cons <type>-integer-fix (cons <type>-integerp-alt-def 'nil))) 'nil))))))) (and signedp (cons (cons 'defrule (cons (pack integer-from-<type> '-lower-bound) (cons (cons '>= (cons (cons integer-from-<type> '(x)) (cons (cons <type>-min 'nil) 'nil))) (cons ':rule-classes (cons ':linear (cons ':enable (cons (cons integer-from-<type> (cons <type>-integer-fix (cons <type>-integerp-alt-def 'nil))) 'nil))))))) 'nil)))))))))))))))))) (cons (cons 'defruled (cons equal-of-<type>-from-integer (cons (cons 'equal (cons (cons 'equal (cons (cons <type>-from-integer '(get)) '(x))) (cons (cons 'and (cons (cons <type>p '(x)) (cons (cons 'equal (cons (cons integer-from-<type> '(x)) (cons (cons <type>-integer-fix '(get)) 'nil))) 'nil))) 'nil))) (cons ':enable (cons (cons <type>-from-integer (cons <type>p (cons integer-from-<type> 'nil))) 'nil))))) (append (and (not signedp) (cons (cons 'define (cons <type>-from-integer-mod (cons '((x integerp)) (cons ':returns (cons (cons 'result (cons <type>p 'nil)) (cons ':short (cons (str::cat "Reduce modularly ACL2 integers to values of " type-string ".") (cons (cons <type>-from-integer (cons (cons 'mod (cons '(ifix x) (cons (cons '1+ (cons (cons <type>-max 'nil) 'nil)) 'nil))) 'nil)) (cons ':guard-hints (cons (cons (cons '"Goal" (cons ':in-theory (cons (cons 'enable (cons <type>-integerp-alt-def 'nil)) 'nil))) 'nil) '(:hooks (:fix)))))))))))) 'nil)) (cons (cons 'fty::deflist (cons <type>-list (cons ':short (cons (str::cat "Fixtype of lists of values of " type-string ".") (cons ':elt-type (cons <type> (cons ':true-listp (cons 't (cons ':elementp-of-nil (cons 'nil (cons ':pred (cons <type>-listp (cons ':prepwork (cons '((local (in-theory (enable nfix)))) (cons '/// (cons (cons 'defruled (cons true-listp-when-<type>-listp-rewrite (cons (cons 'implies (cons (cons <type>-listp '(x)) '((true-listp x)))) 'nil))) 'nil)))))))))))))))) (cons (cons 'std::defprojection (cons integer-list-from-<type>-list (cons (cons (cons 'x (cons <type>-listp 'nil)) 'nil) (cons ':returns (cons (cons 'result (cons <type>-integer-listp 'nil)) (cons ':short (cons (str::cat "Lift @(tsee " (str::downcase-string (symbol-name integer-from-<type>)) ") to lists.") (cons (cons integer-from-<type> '(x)) (cons '/// (cons (cons 'fty::deffixequiv (cons integer-list-from-<type>-list 'nil)) 'nil)))))))))) (cons (cons 'std::defprojection (cons <type>-list-from-integer-list (cons (cons (cons 'x (cons <type>-integer-listp 'nil)) 'nil) (cons ':returns (cons (cons 'result (cons <type>-listp 'nil)) (cons ':short (cons (str::cat "Lift @(tsee " (str::downcase-string (symbol-name <type>)) ") to lists.") (cons (cons <type>-from-integer '(x)) (cons '/// (cons (cons 'fty::deffixequiv (cons <type>-list-from-integer-list 'nil)) 'nil)))))))))) (cons (cons 'defrule (cons <type>-list-from-integer-list-of-integer-list-from-<type>-list (cons (cons 'equal (cons (cons <type>-list-from-integer-list (cons (cons integer-list-from-<type>-list '(x)) 'nil)) (cons (cons <type>-list-fix '(x)) 'nil))) (cons ':induct (cons 't (cons ':enable (cons (cons integer-list-from-<type>-list (cons <type>-list-from-integer-list 'nil)) 'nil))))))) (cons (cons 'defrule (cons integer-list-from-<type>-list-of-<type>-list-from-integer-list (cons (cons 'equal (cons (cons integer-list-from-<type>-list (cons (cons <type>-list-from-integer-list '(x)) 'nil)) (cons (cons <type>-integer-list-fix '(x)) 'nil))) (cons ':induct (cons 't (cons ':enable (cons (cons integer-list-from-<type>-list (cons <type>-list-from-integer-list 'nil)) 'nil))))))) 'nil)))))))))))))))))
(defthm pseudo-event-formp-of-def-integer-values (b* ((event (def-integer-values type))) (pseudo-event-formp event)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm def-integer-values-of-type-fix-type (equal (def-integer-values (type-fix type)) (def-integer-values type)))
(defthm def-integer-values-type-equiv-congruence-on-type (implies (type-equiv type type-equiv) (equal (def-integer-values type) (def-integer-values type-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)