Print an identifier.
We check that the identifier is a non-empty ACL2 string whose character codes are all valid in our C grammar. This way we can call print-chars.
This is a weaker check than ensuring that the string is in fact a valid C identifier in our concrete syntax. We plan to strengthen this in the future.
(defun print-ident (ident pstate) (declare (xargs :guard (and (identp ident) (pristatep pstate)))) (let ((__function__ 'print-ident)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((string? (ident->unwrap ident)) ((unless (stringp string?)) (raise "Misusage error: ~ the identifier contains ~x0 instead of an ACL2 string." string?) (pristate-fix pstate)) (chars (acl2::string=>nats string?)) ((unless chars) (raise "Misusage error; ~ the identifier is empty.") (pristate-fix pstate)) ((unless (grammar-character-listp chars)) (raise "Misusage error: ~ the identifier consists of the character codes ~x0, ~ not all of which are allowed by the ABNF grammar." chars) (pristate-fix pstate))) (print-chars chars pstate))))
(defthm pristatep-of-print-ident (b* ((new-pstate (print-ident ident pstate))) (pristatep new-pstate)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm print-ident-of-ident-fix-ident (equal (print-ident (ident-fix ident) pstate) (print-ident ident pstate)))
(defthm print-ident-ident-equiv-congruence-on-ident (implies (ident-equiv ident ident-equiv) (equal (print-ident ident pstate) (print-ident ident-equiv pstate))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm print-ident-of-pristate-fix-pstate (equal (print-ident ident (pristate-fix pstate)) (print-ident ident pstate)))
(defthm print-ident-pristate-equiv-congruence-on-pstate (implies (pristate-equiv pstate pstate-equiv) (equal (print-ident ident pstate) (print-ident ident pstate-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)