Check a function declarator.
(check-fun-declor declor vartab tagenv) → vartab
We go through all the pointers, if any. We check the identifier and the list of parameter declarations. We add a new block scope to the variable table, for the block associated to the function definition of which this declarator is part; in fact, this is also adequate for checking a function declarator that is part of a function declaration that is not a function definition, as in that case we just need to ensure that the parameters are distinct. We check the parameters starting with this variable table, which (if successful) produces a variable table that includes the parameters; this table is used when checking the function definition.
(defun check-fun-declor (declor vartab tagenv) (declare (xargs :guard (and (fun-declorp declor) (var-tablep vartab) (tag-envp tagenv)))) (let ((__function__ 'check-fun-declor)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (fun-declor-case declor :base (b* (((okf &) (check-ident (vartab (var-table-add-block vartab))) (check-param-declon-list declor.params vartab tagenv)) :pointer (check-fun-declor declor.decl vartab tagenv))))
(defthm var-table-resultp-of-check-fun-declor (b* ((vartab (check-fun-declor declor vartab tagenv))) (var-table-resultp vartab)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm check-fun-declor-of-fun-declor-fix-declor (equal (check-fun-declor (fun-declor-fix declor) vartab tagenv) (check-fun-declor declor vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-fun-declor-fun-declor-equiv-congruence-on-declor (implies (fun-declor-equiv declor declor-equiv) (equal (check-fun-declor declor vartab tagenv) (check-fun-declor declor-equiv vartab tagenv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-fun-declor-of-var-table-fix-vartab (equal (check-fun-declor declor (var-table-fix vartab) tagenv) (check-fun-declor declor vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-fun-declor-var-table-equiv-congruence-on-vartab (implies (var-table-equiv vartab vartab-equiv) (equal (check-fun-declor declor vartab tagenv) (check-fun-declor declor vartab-equiv tagenv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-fun-declor-of-tag-env-fix-tagenv (equal (check-fun-declor declor vartab (tag-env-fix tagenv)) (check-fun-declor declor vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-fun-declor-tag-env-equiv-congruence-on-tagenv (implies (tag-env-equiv tagenv tagenv-equiv) (equal (check-fun-declor declor vartab tagenv) (check-fun-declor declor vartab tagenv-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)