Process a test from the
(atj-process-test name call targets$ deep$ guards$ ctx state) → (mv erp test$ state)
The first two arguments of this function are the two components
of a pair in the alist computed from
We first ensure that the name is a non-empty string
consisting only of letters and digits.
Then we translate the term (ensuring that the translation succeeds),
and we ensure that it has the form
Note that a single-valued function may return a list. So we need to look at the number of results returned by the function to recognize the result of the function call from trans-eval as either a single list result or a list of multiple results.
(defun atj-process-test (name call targets$ deep$ guards$ ctx state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (symbol-listp targets$) (booleanp deep$) (booleanp guards$) (ctxp ctx)))) (let ((__function__ 'atj-process-test)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((er &) (ensure-value-is-string$ name (msg "The test name ~x0 in the :TESTS input" name) t nil)) ((when (equal name "")) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The test name ~x0 in the :TESTS input ~ cannot be the empty string." name)) ((unless (chars-in-charset-p (explode name) (str::letter/digit-chars))) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The test name ~x0 in the :TESTS input ~ must contain only letters and digits." name)) ((er (list term$ &)) (ensure-value-is-untranslated-term$ call (msg "The test term ~x0 in the :TESTS input" call) t nil)) ((when (or (variablep term$) (fquotep term$) (flambda-applicationp term$))) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The test term ~x0 in the :TESTS input ~ must translate to ~ the call of a named function." call)) (fn (ffn-symb term$)) ((er &) (ensure-value-is-in-list$ fn targets$ (msg "among the target functions ~&0." targets$) (msg "The function ~x0 called by ~ the test term ~x1 in the :TESTS input" fn call) t nil)) (inputs (fargs term$)) (fn-info (atj-get-function-type-info fn guards$ (w state))) (main-fn-type (atj-function-type-info->main fn-info)) (other-fn-types (atj-function-type-info->others fn-info)) ((er test-inputs) (atj-process-test-inputs inputs (atj-function-type->inputs main-fn-type) fn term$ deep$ guards$ ctx state)) ((er &) (if guards$ (b* ((guard (subcor-var (formals fn (w state)) inputs (uguard fn (w state)))) ((er (cons & guard-satisfied)) (trans-eval guard ctx state nil))) (if (not guard-satisfied) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The test term ~x0 in the :TESTS input ~ must translate to a function call ~ where the guards are satisfied, ~ because the :GUARDS input ~ is (perhaps by default) T." call) (value nil))) (value nil))) ((er (cons & output/outputs)) (trans-eval term$ ctx state nil)) (nresults (atj-number-of-results fn (w state))) ((when (and (>= nresults 2) (or (not (true-listp output/outputs)) (not (equal (len output/outputs) nresults))))) (value (raise "Internal error: ~ the function ~x0 returns ~x1 results, ~ but evaluating its call returns ~x2, ~ which is not a true list of length ~x1." fn nresults output/outputs))) (outputs (if (= nresults 1) (list output/outputs) output/outputs)) ((when (or deep$ (not guards$))) (b* ((test-outputs (atj-test-value-acl2-list outputs))) (value (atj-test name fn test-inputs test-outputs)))) (in-types (atj-test-values-to-types test-inputs)) (all-fn-types (cons main-fn-type other-fn-types)) (fn-type? (atj-function-type-of-min-input-types in-types all-fn-types)) ((when (null fn-type?)) (value (raise "Internal error: ~ the test term ~x0 in the :TESTS input ~ does not have a corresponding Java overloaded method." call))) (out-types (atj-function-type->outputs fn-type?)) ((unless (= (len outputs) (len out-types))) (value (raise "Internal error: ~ the number of results ~x0 of ~x1 ~ does not match the number ~x2 of its output types." (len outputs) fn (len out-types)))) (test-outputs (atj-test-values-of-types outputs out-types))) (value (atj-test name fn test-inputs test-outputs)))))