The Pedersen hash for the Ethereum Semaphore.
This is specified in Section 5.3.2 of and also, in more detail, in In the documentation of our formalization of Pedersen hash, we use `[ES]' (for `Ethereum Specification`) to refer to the first and `[IS]' (for `Iden3 Specification`) to refer to the second. There appear to be a few discrepancies between the two, although there should not be any; we will update our specification and documentation as these discrepancies are discussed and resolved.
Note that the Pedersen hash formalized here differs from the one in Zcash; in particular, this one uses 4-bit windows, while the one in Zcash uses 3-bit windows. Yet, the two share obvious characteristics. In the future, we may formalize a generic form of Pedersen hash, obtaining the Ethereum Semaphore one and the Zcash one by suitably instantiating and specializing the generic one.