An executable parser of Yul.
This is a simple parser for Yul code.
The parser lexes
and tokenizes
according to the lexical grammar rules,
and then parses according to the syntactic grammar rules.
See grammar-new.
The primary API for parsing Yul is
parse-yul and parse-yul-bytes.
- Parse-keyword
- Attempts to eat the named keyword.
- Parse-variable-declaration
- Attempts to eat a variable declaration and build a statement AST node of kind :variable-single or :variable-multi.
- Parse-symbol
- Attempts to eat the named symbol, returning either the list of remaining tokens or a reserr.
- Parse-literal
- Attempts to eat a literal and build a literal AST node.
- Parse-identifier
- Attempts to eat an identifier token and build an identifier AST node.
- Parse-assignment-statement
- Attempts to eat an assignment statement and build a statement AST node of kind :assign-single or :assign-multiple.
- Parse-identifier-and-open-paren
- Attempts to eat an identifier and a following open parenthesis, and build an identifier AST node.
- Parse-*-comma-identifier
- Parses zero or more occurrences of '"," identifier' and returns a list of identifier AST nodes.
- Parse-*-.-identifier
- Parses zero or more occurrences of '"." identifier' and returns a list of identifier AST nodes.
- Parse-continue-statement
- Attempts to eat a "continue" keyword and build a statement AST node of kind :continue.
- Parse-*-comma-path
- Parses zero or more occurrences of '"," path' and returns a list of path AST nodes.
- Parse-path
- Attempts to eat a path and build a path AST node.
- Parse-leave-statement
- Attempts to eat a "leave" keyword and build a statement AST node of kind :leave.
- Parse-break-statement
- Attempts to eat a "break" keyword and build a statement AST node of kind :break.
- Cst2ast-string-literal-content
- Cst2ast-escape-sequence
- Cst2ast-string-literal-contents
- Cst2ast-quoted-printable
- Given a :nonleaf tree for rulename "single-quoted-printable"
or "double-quoted-printable", returns a string-element-char.
- Parse-yul
- Parses a Yul source program string into abstract syntax.
- Cst2ast-string-literal
- Given a :nonleaf tree with rulename "string-literal",
return the appropriate literal AST node.
- Cst2ast-hex-string
- Given a :nonleaf tree with rulename "hex-string",
return the appropriate literal AST node.
- Parse-yul-bytes
- Parses the Yul source program bytes into abstract syntax.
- Hex-chars-to-hex-pair-list
- Cst2ast-hex-number
- Given a :nonleaf tree with rulename "hex-number",
return the appropriate literal AST node.
- Cst2ast-uhhhh
- Cst2ast-literal-kind
- Given a tree under :nonleaf literal, return the appropriate literal AST node.
- Cst2ast-single-char
- Cst2ast-decimal-number
- Given a :nonleaf ABNF tree with rulename "decimal-number",
return the appropriate literal AST node.
- Cst2ast-xhh
- Cst2ast-boolean
- Given a :nonleaf tree with rulename "boolean",
return the appropriate literal AST node.
- Parse-*-case-clause
- Eats as many case clauses and possible (zero or more).
- Looks-like-hex-string-fringe
- Cst2ast-hex-digit-char-list
- Parse-*-statement
- Eats as many statements as possible (zero or more).
- Parse-*-comma-expression
- Parses zero or more occurrences of '"," expression' and returns a list of expression AST nodes.
- Parse-switch-statement
- Eats a switch statement and builds a statement AST node of kind :switch.
- Parse-if-statement
- Eats an if statement and builds a statement AST node of kind :if.
- Parse-for-statement
- Eats a for statement and builds a statement AST node of kind :for.
- Parse-expression
- Attempts to eat an expression and build an expression AST node.
- Parse-case-clause
- Eats a case clause for a switch statement and builds an swcase AST node.
- Parse-fundef
- Eats a function definition and builds a fundef AST node.
- Parse-function-call
- Attempts to eat a function call and build a funcall AST node.
- Parse-block
- Eats a block (delimited by { }) and builds a block AST node.
- *single-quote-tree-list*
- A CST for the single quote start or end of a Yul string.
- *double-quote-tree-list*
- A CST for the double quote start or end of a Yul string.
- *yul-keywords*
- *single-quoted-content-rulenames*
- *list-leafterm-x*
- *list-leafterm-u*
- *list-leafterm-92*
- *double-quoted-content-rulenames*
- *yul-symbols*