Generate all the events.
(defobject-gen-everything name name-string name-ident type init initer? call) → event
These are the recognizer, initializer, and table event. They are put into one progn event. We conclude with a deflabel event that facilitates history manipulation.
(defun defobject-gen-everything (name name-string name-ident type init initer? call) (declare (xargs :guard (and (symbolp name) (stringp name-string) (identp name-ident) (typep type) (initer-optionp initer?) (pseudo-event-formp call)))) (let ((__function__ 'defobject-gen-everything)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((recognizer-name (packn-pos (list 'object- name '-p) name)) (initializer-name (packn-pos (list 'object- name '-init) name)) ((mv recognizer-event initializer-event) (cond ((type-integerp type) (b* (((unless (type-nonchar-integerp type)) (raise "Internal error: not integer type ~x0." type) (mv '(_) '(_))) (fixtype (integer-type-to-fixtype type)) (fixtype-pred (pack fixtype 'p)) (fixtype-from-integer (pack fixtype '-from-integer)) (recognizer-event (cons 'define (cons recognizer-name (cons '(x) (cons ':returns (cons '(yes/no booleanp) (cons (cons fixtype-pred '(x)) 'nil))))))) (initializer-event (cons 'define (cons initializer-name (cons 'nil (cons ':returns (cons (cons 'object (cons recognizer-name 'nil)) (cons (or init (cons fixtype-from-integer '(0))) 'nil)))))))) (mv recognizer-event initializer-event))) ((type-case type :array) (b* (((unless (type-nonchar-integerp (type-array->of type))) (raise "Internal error: not integer array type ~x0." type) (mv '(_) '(_))) (fixtype (integer-type-to-fixtype (type-array->of type))) (fixtype-from-integer (pack fixtype '-from-integer)) (size (type-array->size type)) (type-arrayp (pack fixtype '-arrayp)) (type-array-length (pack fixtype '-array-length)) (type-array-of (pack fixtype '-array-of)) (recognizer-event (cons 'define (cons recognizer-name (cons '(x) (cons ':returns (cons '(yes/no booleanp) (cons (cons 'and (cons (cons type-arrayp '(x)) (cons (cons 'equal (cons (cons type-array-length '(x)) (cons size 'nil))) 'nil))) 'nil))))))) (initializer-event (cons 'define (cons initializer-name (cons 'nil (cons ':returns (cons (cons 'object (cons recognizer-name 'nil)) (cons (cons type-array-of (cons (if (consp init) (cons 'list init) (cons 'repeat (cons size (cons (cons fixtype-from-integer '(0)) 'nil)))) 'nil)) 'nil)))))))) (mv recognizer-event initializer-event))) (t (prog2$ (raise "Internal error: type ~x0." type) (mv '(_) '(_)))))) (info (make-defobject-info :name-ident name-ident :name-symbol name :type type :init initer? :recognizer recognizer-name :initializer initializer-name :call call)) (table-event (defobject-table-record-event name-string info)) (label-event (cons 'deflabel (cons name 'nil)))) (cons 'progn (cons recognizer-event (cons initializer-event (cons table-event (cons label-event 'nil))))))))
(defthm pseudo-event-formp-of-defobject-gen-everything (b* ((event (defobject-gen-everything name name-string name-ident type init initer? call))) (pseudo-event-formp event)) :rule-classes :rewrite)