Check if a term represents an integer constant.
(atc-check-iconst term) → (mv erp yes/no fn type const)
If the term is a call of a function
In certain circumstances, we return an error in
(defun atc-check-iconst (term) (declare (xargs :guard (pseudo-termp term))) (let ((__function__ 'atc-check-iconst)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((reterr) nil nil (irr-type) (irr-iconst)) ((acl2::fun (no)) (retok nil nil (irr-type) (irr-iconst))) ((mv okp fn args) (fty-check-fn-call term)) ((unless okp) (no)) ((mv okp type base const) (atc-check-symbol-3part fn)) ((unless (and okp (member-eq type '(sint uint slong ulong sllong ullong)) (member-eq base '(dec oct hex)) (eq const 'const))) (no)) ((unless (equal (symbol-package-name fn) "C")) (reterr (msg "Invalid function ~x0 encountered: ~ it has the form of an integer constant function, ~ but it is not in the \"C\" package." fn))) ((unless (list-lenp 1 args)) (reterr (raise "Internal error: ~x0 not applied to 1 argument." term))) (arg (first args)) ((unless (pseudo-term-case arg :quote)) (reterr (msg "The function ~x0 must be applied to a quoted constant, ~ but it is applied to ~x1 instead." fn arg))) (val (pseudo-term-quote->val arg)) ((unless (natp val)) (reterr (msg "The function ~x0 ~ must be applied to a quoted natural number, ~ but it is applied to ~x1 instead. ~ Since this is required by the guard of ~x0, ~ this call is unreachable under the guard." fn val))) (inrangep (case type (sint (sint-integerp val)) (uint (uint-integerp val)) (slong (slong-integerp val)) (ulong (ulong-integerp val)) (sllong (sllong-integerp val)) (ullong (ullong-integerp val)) (t (impossible)))) ((unless inrangep) (reterr (msg "The function ~x0 must be applied to a quoted natural number ~ representable in the C type corresponding to ~x1, ~ but it is applied to ~x2 instead. This is indicative of provably dead code, ~ given that the code is guard-verified." fn type val))) (base (case base (dec (iconst-base-dec)) (oct (iconst-base-oct)) (hex (iconst-base-hex)) (t (impossible)))) ((mv const type) (case type (sint (mv (make-iconst :value val :base base :unsignedp nil :length (iconst-length-none)) (type-sint))) (uint (mv (make-iconst :value val :base base :unsignedp t :length (iconst-length-none)) (type-uint))) (slong (mv (make-iconst :value val :base base :unsignedp nil :length (iconst-length-long)) (type-slong))) (ulong (mv (make-iconst :value val :base base :unsignedp t :length (iconst-length-long)) (type-ulong))) (sllong (mv (make-iconst :value val :base base :unsignedp nil :length (iconst-length-llong)) (type-sllong))) (ullong (mv (make-iconst :value val :base base :unsignedp t :length (iconst-length-llong)) (type-ullong))) (t (mv (impossible) (impossible)))))) (retok t fn type const))))
(defthm booleanp-of-atc-check-iconst.yes/no (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?yes/no ?fn ?type ?const) (atc-check-iconst term))) (booleanp yes/no)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm symbolp-of-atc-check-iconst.fn (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?yes/no ?fn ?type ?const) (atc-check-iconst term))) (symbolp fn)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm typep-of-atc-check-iconst.type (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?yes/no ?fn ?type ?const) (atc-check-iconst term))) (typep type)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm iconstp-of-atc-check-iconst.const (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?yes/no ?fn ?type ?const) (atc-check-iconst term))) (iconstp const)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm type-integerp-of-atc-check-iconst-type (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?yes/no ?fn ?type ?const) (atc-check-iconst term))) (implies yes/no (type-integerp type))))
(defthm type-nonchar-integerp-of-atc-check-iconst-type (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?yes/no ?fn ?type ?const) (atc-check-iconst term))) (implies yes/no (type-nonchar-integerp type))))