Java integer operations [JLS14:4.2.2].
Here we formalize all the unary and binary operations on integral values
that are not conversions (those are formalized separately).
The term `integer operations', as opposed to `integral operations',
is used in the title of [JLS14:4.2.2].
Since integral values are subjected to
unary and binary numeric promotion [JLS14:5.6] [JLS14:15],
the operations on integral values actually only operate on
int and long values as operands.
For the shift operations [JLS14:15.19],
unary numeric promotion is applied to the operands separately.
Thus, for each such operation, there are four variants,
corresponding to each operand being int or long.
Some integer operations have boolean results.
[JLS14:4.2.2] also lists the prefix and posfix ++ and -- operators,
but those operate on variables, not just values,
and therefore must be formalized elsewhere.
[JLS14:4.2.2] also lists the conditional operator ? :,
but that one is non-strict,
and therefore must be formalized as part of expression evaluation.
[JLS14:4.2.2] also lists the string concatenation operator +,
but that is best formalized in terms of integral-to-string conversions,
[JLS14:4.2.2] also lists the cast operator, which involves conversions,
which, as mentioned above, are formalized separately.
- Long-long-ushiftr
- Unsigned right shift of an long by an long
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.19].
- Long-int-ushiftr
- Unsigned right shift of a long by an int
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.19].
- Int-long-ushiftr
- Unsigned right shift of an int by a long
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.19].
- Int-int-ushiftr
- Unsigned right shift of an int by an int
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.19].
- Long-long-shiftr
- (Signed) right shift of a long by a long
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.19].
- Long-long-shiftl
- Left shift of a long by a long [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.19].
- Long-int-shiftr
- (Signed) right shift of a long by an int
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.19].
- Long-int-shiftl
- Left shift of a long by an int [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.19].
- Int-long-shiftr
- (Signed) right shift of an int by a long
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.19].
- Int-int-shiftr
- (Signed) right shift of an int by an int
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.19].
- Int-long-shiftl
- Left shift of an int by a long [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.19].
- Int-int-shiftl
- Left shift of an int by an int [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.19].
- Long-xor
- Bitwise exclusive disjunction ^ on longs
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.22.1].
- Long-neq
- Non-equality != on longs [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.21.1].
- Long-lesseq
- Less-than-or-equal-to comparison <= on longs
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.20.1].
- Long-ior
- Bitwise inclusive disjunction | on longs
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.22.1].
- Long-greateq
- Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison >= on longs
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.20.1].
- Long-and
- Bitwise conjunction & on longs [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.22.1].
- Int-xor
- Bitwise exclusive disjunction ^ on ints
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.22.1].
- Int-ior
- Bitwise inclusive disjunction | on ints
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.22.1].
- Int-greateq
- Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison >= on ints
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.20.1].
- Long-rem
- Remainder & on longs [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.17.3].
- Long-mul
- Multiplication * on longs [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.17.1].
- Long-less
- Less-than comparison < on longs
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.20.1].
- Long-great
- Greater-than comparison > on longs
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.20.1].
- Long-eq
- Equality == on longs [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.21.1].
- Long-div
- Division / on longs [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.17.2].
- Long-add
- Addition + on longs [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.18.2].
- Int-neq
- Non-equality != on ints [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.21.1].
- Int-mul
- Multiplication * on ints [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.17.1].
- Int-lesseq
- Less-than-or-equal-to comparison <= on ints
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.20.1].
- Int-great
- Greater-than comparison > on ints
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.20.1].
- Int-eq
- Equality == on ints [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.21.1].
- Int-and
- Bitwise conjunction & on ints [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.22.1].
- Int-add
- Addition + on ints [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.18.2].
- Long-sub
- Subtraction - on longs [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.18.2].
- Int-sub
- Subtraction - on ints [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.18.2].
- Int-rem
- Remainder & on ints [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.17.3].
- Int-less
- Less-than comparison < on ints
[JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.20.1].
- Int-div
- Division / on ints [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.17.2].
- Long-plus
- Unary plus + on longs [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.15.3].
- Long-not
- Bitwise complement ~ on longs [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.15.5].
- Long-minus
- Unary minus - on longs [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.15.4].
- Int-not
- Bitwise complement ~ on ints [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.15.5].
- Int-minus
- Unary minus - on ints [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.15.4].
- Int-plus
- Unary plus + on ints [JLS14:4.2.2] [JLS14:15.15.3].