Process the inputs and generate the Java file(s).
(atj-fn args ctx state) → (mv erp result state)
Since the result of this function is passed to make-event,
this function must return an event form.
By returning
(defun atj-fn (args ctx state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (true-listp args) (ctxp ctx)))) (let ((__function__ 'atj-fn)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((er (list fns-to-translate call-graph pkgs deep$ guards$ no-aij-types$ java-package$ java-class$ output-subdir output-file$ output-file-env$ output-file-test$ tests$ verbose$)) (atj-process-inputs args ctx state)) ((er &) (atj-gen-everything deep$ guards$ no-aij-types$ java-package$ java-class$ output-subdir output-file$ output-file-env$ output-file-test$ tests$ pkgs fns-to-translate call-graph verbose$ ctx state)) (- (if output-file-test$ (cw "~%Generated Java files:~% ~s0~% ~s1~% ~s2~%" output-file$ output-file-env$ output-file-test$) (cw "~%Generated Java files:~% ~s0~% ~s1~%" output-file$ output-file-env$)))) (value '(value-triple :invisible)))))