Turn a list of Base58 characters into the corresponding list of bytes.
(base58-decode chars) → bytes
This is not explicitly described in [Wiki] or [MB], but is, implicitly, the inverse of encoding.
From a formal specification perspective, we could define this function as the inverse of base58-encode. But since decoding is quite analogous to encoding, and not more complicated than encoding, instead we define it in an executable way, and prove that it is indeed the inverse of encoding. This way, the formal specification of decoding is executable.
This executable formal specification of decoding essentially runs
the encoding steps ``in reverse''.
Instead of counting
the number of leading ``zero'' (i.e.
The addition of the zero bytes does not affect the denoted natural number, which is the same denoted by (the corresponding values of) the input characters.
(defun base58-decode (chars) (declare (xargs :guard (base58-character-listp chars))) (let ((__function__ 'base58-decode)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((vals (base58-chars=>vals chars)) (nat (bendian=>nat 58 vals)) (number-of-zeros (- (len vals) (len (trim-bendian* vals)))) (bytes (append (repeat number-of-zeros 0) (nat=>bebytes* nat)))) bytes)))
(defthm byte-listp-of-base58-decode (b* ((bytes (base58-decode chars))) (byte-listp bytes)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm base58-decode-same-natural-number (equal (bebytes=>nat (base58-decode chars)) (bendian=>nat 58 (base58-chars=>vals chars))))
(defthm base58-decode-of-base58-character-list-fix-chars (equal (base58-decode (base58-character-list-fix chars)) (base58-decode chars)))
(defthm base58-decode-base58-character-list-equiv-congruence-on-chars (implies (base58-character-list-equiv chars chars-equiv) (equal (base58-decode chars) (base58-decode chars-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)