Select a portion of bits from an integer that represents a bit vector
(part-select foo :low 10 :high 17) ;; Like foo[17:10] in Verilog
You can also using an index/size, e.g.:
(part-select foo :low 10 :width 7) ;; Like foo[16:10] in Verilog
(defmacro part-select (x &key low high width) (cond ((and high width) (er hard? 'part-select "Can't use :high and :width together")) ((and low high) (cons 'part-select-low-high (cons x (cons low (cons high 'nil))))) ((and low width) (cons 'part-select-width-low (cons x (cons width (cons low 'nil))))) (t (er hard? 'part-select "Need at least :low and :width, or else :low and :high"))))
(defun part-select-width-low$inline (x width low) (declare (xargs :guard (and (integerp x) (natp width) (natp low)))) (mbe :logic (loghead width (logtail low x)) :exec (logand (1- (ash 1 width)) (ash x (- low)))))
(defun part-select-low-high$inline (x low high) (declare (xargs :guard (and (integerp x) (natp low) (natp high) (<= low high)))) (part-select-width-low x (+ 1 (- high low)) low))