A logic-mode guard-verified version of untranslate.
This is a logic mode version of the function,
The untranslation operated by this utility does not
make any use of the user-defined-functions-table: neither the
untranslate-preprocess capability nor wholesale
replacement of untranslate. (Technical Note:
If the call to
(defun untranslate$ (term iff-flg state) (declare (xargs :stobjs state :guard (pseudo-termp term))) (let* ((wrld (w state)) (tbl (untrans-table wrld)) (fn nil)) (mv-let (erp val) (magic-ev-fncall 'untranslate1 (list term iff-flg tbl fn wrld) state nil t) (if erp (er hard? 'untranslate$ "~@0" val) val))))