Process the
(defarbrec-process-body body fn$ x1...xn$ ctx state) → (mv erp result state)
We submit the program-mode function to ACL2, so that any errors in the body will be caught and will stop execution with an error. If the submission succeeds, the ACL2 state now includes the function, which we further validate and decompose.
If the function has the form
assumed in the documentation of defarbrec,
the exit test is
Note that the
(defun defarbrec-process-body (body fn$ x1...xn$ ctx state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard t)) (let ((__function__ 'defarbrec-process-body)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((program-mode-fn (cons 'defun (cons fn$ (cons x1...xn$ (cons '(declare (xargs :mode :program)) (cons body 'nil)))))) ((er &) (trans-eval-error-triple program-mode-fn ctx state)) (wrld (w state)) (body$ (ubody fn$ wrld)) (description (msg "The function ~x0" fn$)) ((er &) (ensure-function-number-of-results$ fn$ 1 description t nil)) ((er &) (ensure-function-no-stobjs$ fn$ description t nil)) (rec-calls-with-tests (recursive-calls fn$ wrld)) (num-rec-calls (len rec-calls-with-tests)) ((when (/= num-rec-calls 1)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The function ~x0 must make exactly one recursive call, ~ but it makes ~x1 recursive calls instead." fn$ num-rec-calls)) (program-mode-fns (all-program-ffn-symbs body$ nil wrld)) (program-mode-fns (remove-eq fn$ program-mode-fns)) ((unless (null program-mode-fns)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The function ~x0 must call ~ only logic-mode functions besides itself, ~ but it also calls the program-mode ~@1 instead." fn$ (if (= (len program-mode-fns) 1) (msg "function ~x0" (car program-mode-fns)) (msg "functions ~&0" program-mode-fns)))) (rec-call-with-tests (car rec-calls-with-tests)) (tests (access tests-and-call rec-call-with-tests :tests)) (rec-call (access tests-and-call rec-call-with-tests :call)) (test (dumb-negate-lit (conjoin tests))) (updates (fargs rec-call))) (value (list body$ test updates)))))