Compile an alist of AIGs into a C code fragment.
(aig2c-compile aig-alist input-names &key (config '*aig2c-default-config*)) → (mv err c-code)
(defun aig2c-compile-fn (aig-alist input-names config) (declare (xargs :guard (and (string-listp (alist-keys aig-alist)) (string-listp (alist-vals input-names)) (aig2c-config-p config)))) (let ((__function__ 'aig2c-compile)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((output-c-names (alist-keys aig-alist)) (output-aigs (alist-vals aig-alist)) (input-vars (alist-keys input-names)) (input-c-names (alist-vals input-names)) (all-aig-vars (aig-vars-1pass output-aigs)) ((unless (uniquep input-vars)) (mv (msg "Error: multiple bindings for input variables ~x0" (duplicated-members input-vars)) "")) ((unless (set::subset all-aig-vars (set::mergesort input-vars))) (mv (msg "Some AIG variables do not have C input names: ~x0" (set::difference all-aig-vars (set::mergesort input-vars))) "")) (- (or (set::subset (set::mergesort input-vars) all-aig-vars) (cw "Note: Some inputs are never used: ~x0.~%" (set::difference (set::mergesort input-vars) all-aig-vars)))) (all-c-names (append input-c-names output-c-names)) (db (vl::vl-starting-namedb all-c-names)) ((mv tempmap db) (aig2c-maketemps-list output-aigs config 'aig2c-tempmap db)) (- (vl::vl-free-namedb db)) (input-names (if (hons-get nil tempmap) (cons (cons nil "0") input-names) input-names)) (input-names (if (hons-get t tempmap) (cons (cons t (str::cat (aig2c-config->op-not config) "((" (aig2c-config->type config) ")0)")) input-names) input-names)) (code nil) (code (aig2c-prologue input-names tempmap config code)) ((mv code seen) (aig2c-main-list output-aigs 'aig2c-seen tempmap config code)) (- (fast-alist-free seen)) (code (aig2c-epilogue aig-alist tempmap code)) (- (fast-alist-free tempmap))) (mv nil (str::rchars-to-string code)))))
(defthm stringp-of-aig2c-compile.c-code (b* (((mv ?err ?c-code) (aig2c-compile-fn aig-alist input-names config))) (stringp c-code)) :rule-classes :type-prescription)