Configuration object that governs how we translate an AIG into C/C++.
(aig2c-config-p x) is a std::defaggregate of the following fields.
- prefix — The naming prefix to use for generating temporary variable
names. Typically you just want this to be something that won't
clash with other names in the rest of your C program. By default
we use "_temp".
Invariant (stringp prefix).
- type — The C/C++ data type to use for each temporary variable. By default
we use "const uint32_t", which might be appropriate for
32-bit wide simulations. For single-bit simulations, you could
use, e.g., "const bool" here, but WARNING if you use
bool or const bool you need to also change the operators
from & and ~ to && and !, respectively. See
aig2c for more information.
Invariant (stringp type).
- op-and — The C/C++ operator to use to AND expressions of this type.
Typically this should be & for integers or && for
Invariant (stringp op-and).
- op-not — The C/C++ operator used to NOT expressions of this type. Typically
this should be ~ for integers or ! for booleans.
Invariant (stringp op-not).
Source link: aig2c-config-p
The default configuration generates code for carry out 32-bit wide
AIG simulations on uint32_ts. Changing to, e.g., 8-bit or 64-bit wide
simulations is trivial.
But the C++ bool type is special. If you want to use it, you need to
make sure to use && and ! instead of & and ~. Consider for
instance this C++ program:
int main() {
bool b = true;
cout << "B is " << (bool)b << endl; // Prints 'B is 1'
b = ~b;
cout << "~B is " << (bool)b << endl; // Prints '~B is 1' (!!!)
return 0;
We try to at least do a rudimentary check for incorrect uses of bool,
but it's not any sort of foolproof thing.
- Aig2c-config
- Raw constructor for aig2c-config-p structures.
- Make-aig2c-config
- Constructor macro for aig2c-config-p structures.
- Change-aig2c-config
- A copying macro that lets you create new aig2c-config-p structures, based on existing structures.
- Make-honsed-aig2c-config
- Constructor macro for honsed aig2c-config-p structures.
- Honsed-aig2c-config
- Raw constructor for honsed aig2c-config-p structures.
- Aig2c-boolean-sanity-check-p
- Aig2c-config->type
- Access the type field of a aig2c-config-p structure.
- Aig2c-config->prefix
- Access the prefix field of a aig2c-config-p structure.
- Aig2c-config->op-not
- Access the op-not field of a aig2c-config-p structure.
- Aig2c-config->op-and
- Access the op-and field of a aig2c-config-p structure.