Core function used to run the SAT solver.
(satlink-run-impl config cnf env$ &key (state 'state)) → (mv status env$ lrat-proof state)
This function actually runs the SAT solver: it exports the formula into a dimacs file, invokes the SAT solver on it, and interprets the answer. This function is typically never used directly; instead see satlink-run.
(defun satlink-run-impl-fn (config cnf env$ state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (env$ state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (config-p config) (lit-list-listp cnf)))) (let ((__function__ 'satlink-run-impl)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((config config)) ((mv filename state) (oslib::tempfile "satlink")) ((unless filename) (cw "SATLINK: Error generating temporary filename.~%") (mv :failed env$ nil state)) ((mv okp max-index state) (time$ (dimacs-export cnf :filename filename) :msg "; SATLINK: writing ~s0: ~st sec, ~sa bytes~%" :args (list filename) :mintime config.mintime)) ((unless okp) (cw "SATLINK: Error writing dimacs file ~s0~%" filename) (mv :failed env$ nil state)) ((acl2::fun (cleanup filename config state)) (b* (((unless (config->remove-temps config)) state) ((mv & & state) (tshell-call (str::cat "rm " filename)))) state)) (cmd (str::cat config.cmdline " " filename)) ((mv status lines state) (time$ (tshell-call cmd :print (or (and config.verbose 'satlink-echo) (and config.timing 'satlink-echo-time)) :save t) :msg "; SATLINK: `~s0`: ~st sec, ~sa bytes~%" :args (list cmd) :mintime config.mintime)) ((when (eql status 127)) (cw "SATLINK: Couldn't execute SAT solver command `~s0` (exit code 127). Not in path?~%" cmd) (mv :failed env$ nil state)) ((unless (string-listp lines)) (cw "SATLINK: Tshell somehow didn't give us a string list.~%") (b* ((state (cleanup filename config state))) (mv :failed env$ nil state))) ((mv status env$) (time$ (b* ((env$ (resize-bits (1+ max-index) env$)) ((mv status env$) (satlink-parse-output lines env$))) (mv status env$)) :msg "; SATLINK: interpreting output: ~st sec, ~sa bytes~%" :mintime config.mintime)) ((mv lrat-proof state) (if (and (eq status :unsat) config.lrat-check) (b* ((lrat-proof (time$ (lrat::lrat-read-file (str::cat filename ".lrat") state) :msg "; SATLINK: read lrat file: ~st sec, ~sa bytes~%" :mintime config.mintime)) ((unless (config->remove-temps config)) (mv lrat-proof state)) ((mv & & state) (tshell-call (str::cat "rm " (str::cat filename ".lrat"))))) (mv lrat-proof state)) (mv nil state))) (state (if (or (eq status :sat) (eq status :unsat)) (satlink-extra-hook cnf filename status env$ state) state)) (state (cleanup filename config state))) (mv status env$ lrat-proof state))))
(defthm state-p1-of-satlink-run-impl.state (implies (state-p1 state) (b* (((mv ?status ?env$ ?lrat-proof acl2::?state) (satlink-run-impl-fn config cnf env$ state))) (state-p1 state))) :rule-classes :rewrite)