Choose behavior based on a bfr-mode object
;; Different cases for all modes, explicit bfr-mode supplied (bfr-mode-case my-bfr-mode :aig aig-code :bdd bdd-code :aignet aignet-code) ;; Different case only for one mode with default for others, ;; implicitly uses the bfr-mode variable (bfr-mode-case :aig aig-code :otherwise default-code)
The bfr-mode argument may be left out, in which case the first argument must
be a keyword and the bfr-mode used is the variable
The keyword arguments accepted are
(defun bfr-mode-case-fn (args) (if (keywordp (car args)) (cons 'bfr-mode-case1 (cons 'bfr-mode args)) (cons 'bfr-mode-case1 (cons (car args) (cdr args)))))