(vl-iftest-condcheck x tests-above ctx ifstmtp) → warnings
(defun vl-iftest-condcheck (x tests-above ctx ifstmtp) (declare (xargs :guard (and (vl-expr-p x) (vl-exprlist-p tests-above)))) (let ((__function__ 'vl-iftest-condcheck)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((x (vl-expr-fix x)) (tests-above (vl-exprlist-fix tests-above)) (test-fix (vl-condcheck-fix x)) (~test-fix (vl-condcheck-negate test-fix)) (warning-descrip (if ifstmtp "an IF statement" "a ?: operator"))) (cond ((vl-expr-case x :vl-literal) (list (make-vl-warning :type (if ifstmtp :vl-warn-ifstmt-const :vl-warn-qmark-const) :msg "found ~s3 with constant ~ expression ~a1 as its test: ~a2.~%" :args (list ctx x x warning-descrip) :fatalp nil :fn __function__))) ((member-equal test-fix tests-above) (list (make-vl-warning :type (if ifstmtp :vl-warn-ifstmt-always-true :vl-warn-qmark-always-true) :msg "found ~s3 that is considering ~ whether ~a1 holds, but an equivalent case was ~ considered above, so this will always be ~ true. The sub-expression is ~a2." :args (list ctx x x warning-descrip) :fatalp nil :fn __function__))) ((member-equal ~test-fix tests-above) (list (make-vl-warning :type (if ifstmtp :vl-warn-ifstmt-always-false :vl-warn-qmark-always-false) :msg "found ~s3 that is considering ~ whether ~a1 holds, but an equivalent case was ~ considered above, so this will always be ~ false. The sub-expression is ~a2." :args (list ctx x x warning-descrip) :fatalp nil :fn __function__))) (t nil)))))
(defthm vl-warninglist-p-of-vl-iftest-condcheck (b* ((warnings (vl-iftest-condcheck x tests-above ctx ifstmtp))) (vl-warninglist-p warnings)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm vl-iftest-condcheck-of-vl-expr-fix-x (equal (vl-iftest-condcheck (vl-expr-fix x) tests-above ctx ifstmtp) (vl-iftest-condcheck x tests-above ctx ifstmtp)))
(defthm vl-iftest-condcheck-vl-expr-equiv-congruence-on-x (implies (vl-expr-equiv x x-equiv) (equal (vl-iftest-condcheck x tests-above ctx ifstmtp) (vl-iftest-condcheck x-equiv tests-above ctx ifstmtp))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm vl-iftest-condcheck-of-vl-exprlist-fix-tests-above (equal (vl-iftest-condcheck x (vl-exprlist-fix tests-above) ctx ifstmtp) (vl-iftest-condcheck x tests-above ctx ifstmtp)))
(defthm vl-iftest-condcheck-vl-exprlist-equiv-congruence-on-tests-above (implies (vl-exprlist-equiv tests-above tests-above-equiv) (equal (vl-iftest-condcheck x tests-above ctx ifstmtp) (vl-iftest-condcheck x tests-above-equiv ctx ifstmtp))) :rule-classes :congruence)