Check if a DAG is backward-closed.
That is, check if the previous certificates of each certificate in the DAG are all in the DAG.
Adding a certificate whose previous certificates are in the DAG preserves the closure of the DAG. It might be tempting to try and prove something like
(equal (dag-closedp (set::insert cert dag)) (and (dag-closedp dag) (certificate-previous-in-dag-p cert dag)))
but that does not hold, because
(defthm dag-closedp-necc (implies (dag-closedp dag) (implies (in cert dag) (certificate-previous-in-dag-p cert dag))))
(defthm booleanp-of-dag-closedp (b* ((yes/no (dag-closedp dag))) (booleanp yes/no)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm dag-closedp-when-emptyp (implies (emptyp dag) (dag-closedp dag)))
(defthm dag-closedp-of-insert (implies (and (certificatep cert) (certificate-setp dag) (dag-closedp dag) (certificate-previous-in-dag-p cert dag)) (dag-closedp (insert cert dag))))