Generate a C function definition from a non-recursive ACL2 function, with accompanying theorems.
(atc-gen-fundef fn prec-fns prec-tags prec-objs proofs prog-const init-fun-env-thm fn-thms print names-to-avoid state) → (mv erp fundef events updated-prec-fns updated-names-to-avoid)
We ensure that all the formals affected by the function body have pointer or array types, as required in the user documentation.
We return local and exported events for the theorems about the correctness of the C function definition.
We extend the alist
We use the type of the value returned by the statement for the body as the result type of the C function.
For the limit, we need 1 to go from exec-fun to exec-stmt,
another 1 from there to exec-block-item-list
in the
(defun atc-gen-fundef (fn prec-fns prec-tags prec-objs proofs prog-const init-fun-env-thm fn-thms print names-to-avoid state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (symbolp fn) (atc-symbol-fninfo-alistp prec-fns) (atc-string-taginfo-alistp prec-tags) (atc-string-objinfo-alistp prec-objs) (booleanp proofs) (symbolp prog-const) (symbolp init-fun-env-thm) (symbol-symbol-alistp fn-thms) (evmac-input-print-p print) (symbol-listp names-to-avoid)))) (declare (xargs :guard (not (eq fn 'quote)))) (let ((__function__ 'atc-gen-fundef)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((reterr) (irr-fundef) nil nil nil) (wrld (w state)) (name (symbol-name fn)) ((unless (paident-stringp name)) (reterr (msg "The symbol name ~s0 of the function ~x1 ~ must be a portable ASCII C identifier, but it is not." name fn))) ((mv fn-guard-event fn-guard names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-fn-guard fn names-to-avoid state)) ((mv fn-def*-events fn-def* names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-fn-def* fn names-to-avoid wrld)) ((erp typed-formals formals-events names-to-avoid) (atc-typed-formals fn fn-guard prec-tags prec-objs names-to-avoid wrld)) ((erp params) (atc-gen-param-declon-list typed-formals fn prec-objs)) (formals (strip-cars typed-formals)) (compst-var (genvar$ 'atc "COMPST" nil formals state)) (fenv-var (genvar$ 'atc "FENV" nil formals state)) (limit-var (genvar$ 'atc "LIMIT" nil formals state)) (context-preamble (atc-gen-context-preamble typed-formals compst-var fenv-var prog-const)) ((mv fn-fun-env-thm names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-cfun-fun-env-thm-name fn names-to-avoid wrld)) ((mv init-scope-expand-event init-scope-expand-thm init-scope-scopep-event init-scope-scopep-thm omap-update-nest init-formals names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-init-scope-thms fn fn-guard typed-formals prec-tags context-preamble prog-const fn-fun-env-thm compst-var fenv-var names-to-avoid state)) ((mv push-init-thm-event push-init-thm add-var-nest names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-push-init-thm fn fn-guard typed-formals prec-tags context-preamble omap-update-nest compst-var names-to-avoid wrld)) (premises (list (make-atc-premise-compustate :var compst-var :term add-var-nest))) (context (make-atc-context :preamble context-preamble :premises premises)) ((mv inscope init-inscope-events names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-init-inscope fn fn-guard typed-formals prec-tags compst-var context names-to-avoid wrld)) (body (ubody+ fn wrld)) ((erp affect) (atc-find-affected fn body typed-formals prec-fns wrld)) ((unless (atc-formal-affectable-listp affect typed-formals)) (reterr (msg "At least one of the formals of ~x0 ~ that are affected by its body has a non-pointer non-array type, ~ or does not refer to an external object. ~ This is currently disallowed: ~ only pointer or array variables, or variables that refer to external objects, ~ may be affected by a non-recursive target function." fn))) ((erp (stmt-gout body)) (atc-gen-stmt body (make-stmt-gin :context context :var-term-alist nil :typed-formals typed-formals :inscope inscope :loop-flag nil :affect affect :fn fn :fn-guard fn-guard :compst-var compst-var :fenv-var fenv-var :limit-var limit-var :prec-fns prec-fns :prec-tags prec-tags :prec-objs prec-objs :thm-index 1 :names-to-avoid names-to-avoid :proofs proofs) state)) (names-to-avoid body.names-to-avoid) ((when (and (type-case body.type :void) (not affect))) (reterr (raise "Internal error: ~ the function ~x0 returns void and affects no variables." fn))) ((unless (or (type-nonchar-integerp body.type) (type-case body.type :struct) (type-case body.type :void))) (reterr (raise "Internal error: ~ the function ~x0 has return type ~x1." fn body.type))) ((mv pop-frame-event pop-frame-thm names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-pop-frame-thm fn fn-guard (untranslate$ body.term nil state) body.type body.thm-name affect typed-formals compst-var prec-objs prec-tags body.context names-to-avoid wrld)) (id (make-ident :name name)) ((mv tyspec &) (ident+type-to-tyspec+declor id body.type)) (fundef (make-fundef :tyspec tyspec :declor (make-fun-declor-base :name id :params params) :body body.items)) (finfo (fun-info-from-fundef fundef)) (limit (cons 'binary-+ (cons ''2 (cons body.limit 'nil)))) (fn-fun-env-event (atc-gen-cfun-fun-env-thm fn fn-fun-env-thm prog-const finfo init-fun-env-thm)) ((mv fn-result-events fn-result-thm names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-fn-result-thm fn body.type affect typed-formals prec-fns prec-tags prec-objs names-to-avoid state)) ((mv fn-correct-events fn-correct-print-event fn-correct-thm fn-correct-lemma-thm names-to-avoid) (if body.thm-name (atc-gen-fun-correct-thm fn fn-guard fn-def* init-formals affect typed-formals context-preamble compst-var fenv-var limit-var fn-thms fn-fun-env-thm init-scope-expand-thm init-scope-scopep-thm push-init-thm pop-frame-thm body.thm-name body.type body.limit prec-tags prec-objs names-to-avoid state) (b* (((mv events print-event name) (atc-gen-cfun-correct-thm fn typed-formals body.type affect prec-fns prec-tags prec-objs prog-const compst-var fenv-var limit-var fn-thms fn-fun-env-thm limit state))) (mv events print-event name nil names-to-avoid)))) (progress-start? (and (evmac-input-print->= print :info) (cons (cons 'cw-event (cons '"~%Generating the proofs for ~x0..." (cons (cons 'quote (cons fn 'nil)) 'nil))) 'nil))) (progress-end? (and (evmac-input-print->= print :info) '((cw-event " done.~%")))) (print-result? (and (evmac-input-print->= print :result) (list fn-correct-print-event))) (local-events (append progress-start? (list fn-fun-env-event) (list fn-guard-event) fn-def*-events formals-events (list init-scope-expand-event) (list init-scope-scopep-event) (list push-init-thm-event) init-inscope-events (and body.thm-name (list pop-frame-event)) fn-result-events fn-correct-events progress-end? print-result?)) (info (make-atc-fn-info :out-type body.type :in-types (atc-var-info-list->type-list (strip-cdrs typed-formals)) :loop? nil :affect affect :extobjs (atc-typed-formals-to-extobjs typed-formals) :result-thm fn-result-thm :correct-thm fn-correct-thm :correct-mod-thm fn-correct-lemma-thm :measure-nat-thm nil :fun-env-thm fn-fun-env-thm :limit limit :guard fn-guard))) (retok fundef (and proofs local-events) (acons fn info prec-fns) names-to-avoid))))
(defthm fundefp-of-atc-gen-fundef.fundef (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?fundef ?events ?updated-prec-fns ?updated-names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-fundef fn prec-fns prec-tags prec-objs proofs prog-const init-fun-env-thm fn-thms print names-to-avoid state))) (fundefp fundef)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?fundef ?events ?updated-prec-fns ?updated-names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-fundef fn prec-fns prec-tags prec-objs proofs prog-const init-fun-env-thm fn-thms print names-to-avoid state))) (pseudo-event-form-listp events)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm atc-symbol-fninfo-alistp-of-atc-gen-fundef.updated-prec-fns (implies (atc-symbol-fninfo-alistp prec-fns) (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?fundef ?events ?updated-prec-fns ?updated-names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-fundef fn prec-fns prec-tags prec-objs proofs prog-const init-fun-env-thm fn-thms print names-to-avoid state))) (atc-symbol-fninfo-alistp updated-prec-fns))) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm symbol-listp-of-atc-gen-fundef.updated-names-to-avoid (implies (symbol-listp names-to-avoid) (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?fundef ?events ?updated-prec-fns ?updated-names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-fundef fn prec-fns prec-tags prec-objs proofs prog-const init-fun-env-thm fn-thms print names-to-avoid state))) (symbol-listp updated-names-to-avoid))) :rule-classes :rewrite)