Generate a C loop from a recursive ACL2 function, with accompanying theorems.
(atc-gen-loop fn prec-fns prec-tags prec-objs proofs prog-const fn-thms fn-appconds appcond-thms print names-to-avoid state) → (mv erp events updated-prec-fns updated-names-to-avoid)
This is called if
We also generate the measure function for
No C external declaration is generated for this function, because this function just represents a loop used in oher functions.
For now we do not generate a guard function for the guard of
(defun atc-gen-loop (fn prec-fns prec-tags prec-objs proofs prog-const fn-thms fn-appconds appcond-thms print names-to-avoid state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (symbolp fn) (atc-symbol-fninfo-alistp prec-fns) (atc-string-taginfo-alistp prec-tags) (atc-string-objinfo-alistp prec-objs) (booleanp proofs) (symbolp prog-const) (symbol-symbol-alistp fn-thms) (symbol-symbol-alistp fn-appconds) (keyword-symbol-alistp appcond-thms) (evmac-input-print-p print) (symbol-listp names-to-avoid)))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (function-symbolp fn (w state)) (logicp fn (w state)) (irecursivep+ fn (w state)) (not (eq fn 'quote))))) (let ((__function__ 'atc-gen-loop)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((reterr) nil nil nil) (wrld (w state)) ((mv measure-of-fn-event measure-of-fn measure-formals names-to-avoid) (if proofs (atc-gen-loop-measure-fn fn names-to-avoid state) (mv '(_) nil nil names-to-avoid))) ((mv fn-guard-event fn-guard names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-fn-guard fn names-to-avoid state)) ((erp typed-formals formals-events names-to-avoid) (atc-typed-formals fn fn-guard prec-tags prec-objs names-to-avoid wrld)) (body (ubody+ fn wrld)) ((erp (lstmt-gout loop)) (atc-gen-loop-stmt body (make-lstmt-gin :context (make-atc-context :preamble nil :premises nil) :typed-formals typed-formals :inscope (list typed-formals) :fn fn :fn-guard nil :compst-var nil :fenv-var nil :limit-var nil :measure-for-fn measure-of-fn :measure-formals measure-formals :prec-fns prec-fns :prec-tags prec-tags :prec-objs prec-objs :thm-index 1 :names-to-avoid names-to-avoid :proofs nil) state)) (names-to-avoid loop.names-to-avoid) ((erp events natp-of-measure-of-fn-thm fn-result-thm fn-correct-thm names-to-avoid) (if proofs (b* (((reterr) nil nil nil nil nil) ((mv fn-result-events fn-result-thm names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-fn-result-thm fn nil loop.affect typed-formals prec-fns prec-tags prec-objs names-to-avoid state)) (loop-test (stmt-while->test loop.stmt)) (loop-body (stmt-while->body loop.stmt)) ((mv exec-stmt-while-events exec-stmt-while-for-fn exec-stmt-while-for-fn-thm names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-exec-stmt-while-for-loop fn loop.stmt prog-const names-to-avoid wrld)) ((mv natp-of-measure-of-fn-thm-event natp-of-measure-of-fn-thm names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-loop-measure-thm fn fn-appconds appcond-thms measure-of-fn measure-formals names-to-avoid wrld)) ((erp termination-of-fn-thm-event termination-of-fn-thm names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-loop-termination-thm fn measure-of-fn measure-formals natp-of-measure-of-fn-thm names-to-avoid state)) ((mv test-local-events correct-test-thm names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-loop-test-correct-thm fn typed-formals loop-test loop.test-term fn-thms prec-tags prec-objs names-to-avoid state)) ((mv body-local-events correct-body-thm names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-loop-body-correct-thm fn typed-formals loop.affect loop-body loop.test-term loop.body-term prec-fns prec-tags prec-objs prog-const fn-thms loop.limit-body names-to-avoid state)) ((mv correct-events print-event fn-correct-thm names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-loop-correct-thm fn typed-formals loop.affect loop-test loop-body prec-fns prec-tags prec-objs prog-const fn-thms fn-result-thm exec-stmt-while-for-fn exec-stmt-while-for-fn-thm termination-of-fn-thm natp-of-measure-of-fn-thm correct-test-thm correct-body-thm loop.limit-all names-to-avoid state)) (progress-start? (and (evmac-input-print->= print :info) (cons (cons 'cw-event (cons '"~%Generating the proofs for ~x0..." (cons (cons 'quote (cons fn 'nil)) 'nil))) 'nil))) (progress-end? (and (evmac-input-print->= print :info) '((cw-event " done.~%")))) (print-result? (and (evmac-input-print->= print :result) (list print-event))) (events (append progress-start? (list fn-guard-event) formals-events (and measure-of-fn (list measure-of-fn-event)) fn-result-events exec-stmt-while-events (list natp-of-measure-of-fn-thm-event) (list termination-of-fn-thm-event) test-local-events body-local-events correct-events progress-end? print-result?))) (retok events natp-of-measure-of-fn-thm fn-result-thm fn-correct-thm names-to-avoid)) (retok nil nil nil nil names-to-avoid))) (info (make-atc-fn-info :out-type nil :in-types (atc-var-info-list->type-list (strip-cdrs typed-formals)) :loop? loop.stmt :affect loop.affect :extobjs nil :result-thm fn-result-thm :correct-thm fn-correct-thm :correct-mod-thm nil :measure-nat-thm natp-of-measure-of-fn-thm :fun-env-thm nil :limit loop.limit-all :guard nil))) (retok events (acons fn info prec-fns) names-to-avoid))))
(defthm (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?events ?updated-prec-fns ?updated-names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-loop fn prec-fns prec-tags prec-objs proofs prog-const fn-thms fn-appconds appcond-thms print names-to-avoid state))) (pseudo-event-form-listp events)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm atc-symbol-fninfo-alistp-of-atc-gen-loop.updated-prec-fns (implies (and (symbolp fn) (atc-symbol-fninfo-alistp prec-fns)) (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?events ?updated-prec-fns ?updated-names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-loop fn prec-fns prec-tags prec-objs proofs prog-const fn-thms fn-appconds appcond-thms print names-to-avoid state))) (atc-symbol-fninfo-alistp updated-prec-fns))) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm symbol-listp-of-atc-gen-loop.updated-names-to-avoid (implies (symbol-listp names-to-avoid) (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?events ?updated-prec-fns ?updated-names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-loop fn prec-fns prec-tags prec-objs proofs prog-const fn-thms fn-appconds appcond-thms print names-to-avoid state))) (symbol-listp updated-names-to-avoid))) :rule-classes :rewrite)