Pre-translate the formal parameters and body of an ACL2 function definition.
(atj-pre-translate fn formals body in-types out-types out-arrays mv-typess deep$ guards$ no-aij-types$ wrld) → (mv new-formals new-body new-mv-typess)
This is done before the translation from ACL2 to Java proper. The pre-translation steps are described in atj-pre-translation.
We collect all the mv types in the body for which we will need to generate mv classes. This is only relevant to the shallow embedding.
(defun atj-pre-translate (fn formals body in-types out-types out-arrays mv-typess deep$ guards$ no-aij-types$ wrld) (declare (xargs :guard (and (symbolp fn) (symbol-listp formals) (pseudo-termp body) (atj-type-listp in-types) (atj-type-listp out-types) (symbol-listp out-arrays) (atj-type-list-listp mv-typess) (booleanp deep$) (booleanp guards$) (booleanp no-aij-types$) (plist-worldp wrld)))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (= (len formals) (len in-types)) (consp out-types) (cons-listp mv-typess)))) (let ((__function__ 'atj-pre-translate)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((body (atj-remove-return-last body guards$)) (body (remove-dead-if-branches body)) (body (remove-unused-vars body)) ((when deep$) (mv formals body nil)) (body (remove-trivial-vars body)) (body (atj-restore-mv-calls-in-body body out-types wrld)) ((run-when no-aij-types$) (atj-check-no-aij-types+body in-types out-types body fn)) ((mv formals body mv-typess) (atj-type-annotate-formals+body formals body in-types out-types mv-typess guards$ wrld)) ((run-when guards$) (atj-analyze-arrays-in-formals+body formals body out-arrays wrld)) ((mv formals body) (atj-mark-formals+body formals body)) ((mv formals body) (atj-rename-formals+body formals body (symbol-package-name fn))) (body (atj-restore-and-calls-in-term body)) (body (atj-restore-or-calls-in-term body))) (mv formals body mv-typess))))
(defthm (implies (and (symbolp fn) (symbol-listp formals) (pseudo-termp body) (atj-type-listp in-types) (atj-type-listp out-types) (symbol-listp out-arrays) (atj-type-list-listp mv-typess) (booleanp deep$) (booleanp guards$) (booleanp no-aij-types$) (plist-worldp wrld) (= (len formals) (len in-types)) (consp out-types) (cons-listp mv-typess)) (b* (((mv ?new-formals ?new-body ?new-mv-typess) (atj-pre-translate fn formals body in-types out-types out-arrays mv-typess deep$ guards$ no-aij-types$ wrld))) (symbol-listp new-formals))) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm (implies (and (symbolp fn) (symbol-listp formals) (pseudo-termp body) (atj-type-listp in-types) (atj-type-listp out-types) (symbol-listp out-arrays) (atj-type-list-listp mv-typess) (booleanp deep$) (booleanp guards$) (booleanp no-aij-types$) (plist-worldp wrld) (= (len formals) (len in-types)) (consp out-types) (cons-listp mv-typess)) (b* (((mv ?new-formals ?new-body ?new-mv-typess) (atj-pre-translate fn formals body in-types out-types out-arrays mv-typess deep$ guards$ no-aij-types$ wrld))) (pseudo-termp new-body))) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm (b* (((mv ?new-formals ?new-body ?new-mv-typess) (atj-pre-translate fn formals body in-types out-types out-arrays mv-typess deep$ guards$ no-aij-types$ wrld))) (and (atj-type-list-listp new-mv-typess) (cons-listp new-mv-typess))) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm (b* (((mv ?new-formals ?new-body ?new-mv-typess) (atj-pre-translate fn formals body in-types out-types out-arrays mv-typess deep$ guards$ no-aij-types$ wrld))) (equal (len new-formals) (len formals))))