Check if an instruction is valid with respect to given features.
Currently our model of features only consists of one bit of information: whether we are in 32-bit mode or in 64-bit mode; more precisely, whether our base is RV32I (or RV32E) or RV64I (or RV64E). For now we implicitly assume that the M extension is present; we plan to add a choice about that in the features.
(defun instr-validp (instr feat) (declare (xargs :guard (and (instrp instr) (featp feat)))) (let ((__function__ 'instr-validp)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((feat feat) feat)) (instr-case instr :op-imm t :op-imms32 (feat-32p feat) :op-imms64 (feat-64p feat) :op-imm-32 (feat-64p feat) :op-imms-32 (feat-64p feat) :lui t :auipc t :op t :op-32 (feat-64p feat) :jal t :jalr t :branch t :load (load-funct-case instr.funct :lb t :lbu t :lh t :lhu t :lw t :lwu (feat-64p feat) :ld (feat-64p feat)) :store (store-funct-case instr.funct :sb t :sh t :sw t :sd (feat-64p feat))))))
(defthm booleanp-of-instr-validp (b* ((yes/no (instr-validp instr feat))) (booleanp yes/no)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm instr-validp-of-instr-fix-instr (equal (instr-validp (instr-fix instr) feat) (instr-validp instr feat)))
(defthm instr-validp-instr-equiv-congruence-on-instr (implies (instr-equiv instr instr-equiv) (equal (instr-validp instr feat) (instr-validp instr-equiv feat))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm instr-validp-of-feat-fix-feat (equal (instr-validp instr (feat-fix feat)) (instr-validp instr feat)))
(defthm instr-validp-feat-equiv-congruence-on-feat (implies (feat-equiv feat feat-equiv) (equal (instr-validp instr feat) (instr-validp instr feat-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)