Transform a parenthesized expression.
(simpadd0-expr-paren inner inner-new inner-events inner-thm-name inner-vars inner-diffp inner-falliblep gin) → (mv expr gout)
The caller of this ACL2 function recursively transforms the inner expression, and passes to this function the possibly transformed expression, along with some of the simpadd0-gout components resulting from that transformation; it also passes a simpadd0-gin whose components have been updated from the aforementioned simpadd0-gout.
The resulting expression is obtained by
parenthesizing the possibly transformed inner expression.
We generate a theorem iff
a theorem was generated for the inner expression,
which we see from whether the theorem name is
(defun simpadd0-expr-paren (inner inner-new inner-events inner-thm-name inner-vars inner-diffp inner-falliblep gin) (declare (xargs :guard (and (exprp inner) (exprp inner-new) (pseudo-event-form-listp inner-events) (symbolp inner-thm-name) (ident-setp inner-vars) (booleanp inner-diffp) (booleanp inner-falliblep) (simpadd0-ginp gin)))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (expr-unambp inner) (expr-unambp inner-new)))) (let ((__function__ 'simpadd0-expr-paren)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((expr (expr-paren inner)) (expr-new (expr-paren inner-new)) ((simpadd0-gin gin) gin) ((unless inner-thm-name) (mv expr-new (make-simpadd0-gout :events inner-events :thm-name nil :thm-index gin.thm-index :names-to-avoid gin.names-to-avoid :vars inner-vars :diffp inner-diffp :falliblep inner-falliblep))) (hints (cons (cons '"Goal" (cons ':in-theory (cons ''((:e c$::ldm-expr)) (cons ':use (cons inner-thm-name 'nil))))) 'nil)) ((mv thm-event thm-name thm-index) (simpadd0-gen-expr-pure-thm expr expr-new inner-falliblep inner-vars gin.const-new gin.thm-index hints))) (mv expr-new (make-simpadd0-gout :events (append inner-events (list thm-event)) :thm-name thm-name :thm-index thm-index :names-to-avoid (cons thm-name gin.names-to-avoid) :vars inner-vars :diffp inner-diffp :falliblep inner-falliblep)))))
(defthm exprp-of-simpadd0-expr-paren.expr (b* (((mv ?expr ?gout) (simpadd0-expr-paren inner inner-new inner-events inner-thm-name inner-vars inner-diffp inner-falliblep gin))) (exprp expr)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm simpadd0-goutp-of-simpadd0-expr-paren.gout (b* (((mv ?expr ?gout) (simpadd0-expr-paren inner inner-new inner-events inner-thm-name inner-vars inner-diffp inner-falliblep gin))) (simpadd0-goutp gout)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm expr-unambp-of-simpadd0-expr-paren (implies (expr-unambp inner-new) (b* (((mv ?expr ?gout) (simpadd0-expr-paren inner inner-new inner-events inner-thm-name inner-vars inner-diffp inner-falliblep gin))) (expr-unambp expr))))