''Catch-all'' topic for built-in ACL2 functions
This documentation topic is a parent topic under which we
include documentation for built-in functions, macros, and special forms that
are typically used in programming. For others, including those
typically used as top-level commands or those that create events
(defun, defmacro, defthm, and so on), documentation
may be found as a subtopic of some other parent topic. We do not document
some of the more obscure functions provided by ACL2 that do not correspond to
functions of Common Lisp.
If you are already familiar with Common Lisp (or even some other Lisp
variant), then you may find it helpful to start with the topic, introduction-to-programming-in-ACL2-for-those-who-know-lisp.
See any documentation for Common Lisp for more details on many of these
- Let
- Binding of lexically scoped (local) variables
- Declare
- Extra declarations that can occur in function definitions, let
bindings, and so forth.
- Mbe
- Attach code for execution
- Apply$
- Apply a badged function or tame lambda to arguments
- Fmt
- Formatted printing
- Loop$
- Iteration with an analogue of the Common Lisp loop macro
- Return-last
- Return the last argument, perhaps with side effects
- Mv-let
- Calling multi-valued ACL2 functions
- Df
- Support for floating-point operations
- Pseudo-termp
- A predicate for recognizing term-like s-expressions
- Defwarrant
- Issue a warrant for a function so apply$ can use it in proofs
- Time$
- Time the evaluation of a given form
- Mbt
- Introduce a test into the logic that, however, evaluates to t
- Ec-call
- Execute a call in the ACL2 logic instead of raw Lisp
- Mv-nth
- The mv-nth element (zero-based) of a list
- Sys-call
- Make a system call to the host operating system
- Msg
- Construct a ``message'' suitable for the ~@ directive of fmt
- Er
- Print an error message and ``cause an error''
- Value-triple
- Compute a value, optionally checking that it is not nil
- O-p
- A recognizer for the ordinals up to epsilon-0
- Comp
- Compile some ACL2 functions
- Member
- Membership predicate
- O<
- The well-founded less-than relation on ordinals up to epsilon-0
- Cw
- Print to the comment window
- Flet
- Local binding of function symbols
- Or
- Disjunction
- Hons
- (hons x y) returns a normed object equal to (cons x
- Cbd
- Connected book directory string
- Mv
- Returning a multiple value
- Defbadge
- Issue a badge for a function so apply$ can evaluate with it
- Append
- concatenate zero or more lists
- *ACL2-exports*
- Symbols that are often imported into new packages to provide
easy access to ACL2 functionality.
- Eql
- Test equality (of two numbers, symbols, or characters)
- Comment
- Variant of prog2$ to help debug evaluation failures during
- List
- Build a list
- Unsigned-byte-p
- Recognizer for natural numbers that fit in a specified bit width
- Posp
- A recognizer for the positive integers
- Natp
- A recognizer for the natural numbers
- The
- Special form for execution efficiency or run-time type checks
- Nth
- The nth element (zero-based) of a list
- And
- Conjunction
- Len
- Length of a list
- Time-tracker
- Display time spent during specified evaluation
- Term-order
- The ordering relation on terms used by ACL2
- True-listp
- Recognizer for proper (nil-terminated) lists
- Msgp
- Recognizer for a ``message''
- Booleanp
- Recognizer for booleans
- <
- Less-than
- If
- If-then-else function
- Pseudo-term-listp
- A predicate for recognizing lists of term-like s-expressions
- +
- Addition macro
- Not
- Logical negation
- With-global-stobj
- Operate on a global single-threaded object
- Bitp
- A recognizer for the set of bits, {0,1}
- Equal
- True equality
- Cdr
- Returns the second element of a cons pair, else nil
- Car
- Returns the first element of a non-empty list, else nil
- String-listp
- Recognizer for a true list of strings
- Nat-listp
- Recognizer for a true list of natural numbers
- Implies
- Logical implication
- Iff
- Logical ``if and only if''
- Character-listp
- Recognizer for a true list of characters
- Alistp
- Recognizer for association lists
- Cons
- Pair and list constructor
- Symbol-listp
- Recognizer for a true list of symbols
- Macrolet
- Local binding of macro symbols
- Quote
- Create a constant
- Integerp
- Recognizer for whole numbers
- Consp
- Recognizer for cons pairs
- True-list-listp
- Recognizer for true (proper) lists of true lists
- State-global-let*
- Bind state global variables
- Compress1
- Remove irrelevant pairs from a 1-dimensional array
- Symbolp
- Recognizer for symbols
- Stringp
- Recognizer for strings
- *common-lisp-symbols-from-main-lisp-package*
- Symbols that are often imported into new packages to provide easy
access to Common Lisp functionality.
- Characterp
- Recognizer for characters
- Prog2$
- Execute two forms and return the value of the second one
- *
- Multiplication macro
- Last-prover-steps
- The number of prover steps most recently taken
- Hons-acons
- (hons-acons key val alist) is the main way to create or extend
- Eq
- Equality of symbols
- Let*
- Binding of lexically scoped (local) variables
- With-guard-checking
- Suppress or enable guard-checking for a form
- @
- Get the value of a global variable in state
- Length
- Length of a string or proper list
- With-local-stobj
- Locally bind a single-threaded object
- Hard-error
- Print an error message and stop execution
- -
- Macro for subtraction and negation
- Zp
- Testing a ``natural'' against 0
- Search
- Search for a string or list in another string or list
- Intersection$
- Elements common to the given lists
- Assign
- Assign to a global variable in state
- Aset1
- Set the elements of a 1-dimensional array
- Symbol-name
- The name of a symbol (a string)
- Union$
- A list that contains exactly the elements of the given lists
- Set-gc-strategy
- Set the garbage collection strategy (CCL only)
- In-tau-intervalp
- Boolean membership in a tau interval
- Cons-with-hint
- Alternative to cons that tries to avoid consing when a
suitable cons structure is provided as a hint.
- Break-on-error
- Break when encountering a hard or soft error caused by ACL2
- Pand
- Parallel, Boolean version of and
- Case-match
- Pattern matching or destructuring
- Fast-alist-fork
- (fast-alist-fork alist ans) can be used to eliminate
"shadowed pairs" from an alist or to copy fast-alists.
- Sys-call+
- Make a system call to the host OS, returning status and output
- Signed-byte-p
- Recognizer for signed integers that fit in a specified bit width
- ACL2-count
- A commonly used measure for justifying recursion
- Remove-duplicates
- Remove duplicates from a string or a list
- With-serialize-character
- Control output mode for print-object$
- Observation
- Print an observation
- Hons-resize
- (hons-resize ...) can be used to manually adjust the sizes of
the hash tables that govern which ACL2 Objects are considered normed.
- Make-tau-interval
- Make a tau interval
- Logbitp
- The ith bit of an integer
- Termp
- recognizer for the quotation of a term
- Position
- Position of an item in a string or a list
- Assoc
- Look up key in association list
- *standard-co*
- The ACL2 analogue of CLTL's *standard-output*
- Hons-acons!
- (hons-acons! key val alist) is an alternative to hons-acons that produces normed, fast alists.
- Take
- Initial segment (first n elements) of a list
- Aref1
- Access the elements of a 1-dimensional array
- Update-nth
- Modify a list by putting the given value at the given position
- Read-run-time
- Read elapsed runtime
- Symbol-package-name
- The name of the package of a symbol (a string)
- Symbol-alistp
- Recognizer for association lists with symbols as keys
- Hons-wash
- (hons-wash) is like gc$ but can also garbage collect
normed objects (CCL and GCL Only).
- Expt
- Exponential function
- Coerce
- Coerce a character list to a string and a string to a list
- Get-internal-time
- Runtime vs. realtime in ACL2 timings
- Keywordp
- Recognizer for keywords
- Intern
- Create a new symbol in a given package
- Non-exec
- Mark code as non-executable
- Case
- Conditional based on if-then-else using eql
- Standard-oi
- The standard object input ``channel''
- Standard-co
- The character output channel to which ld prints
- Formula
- The formula of a name or rune
- Nthcdr
- Final segment of a list
- Atom
- Recognizer for atoms
- Without-evisc
- Print output in full
- Good-bye
- Quit entirely out of Lisp
- With-local-state
- Locally bind state
- Spec-mv-let
- Modification of mv-let supporting speculative and parallel execution
- Intern-in-package-of-symbol
- Create a symbol with a given name
- Binary-+
- Addition function
- <=
- Less-than-or-equal test
- Ash
- Arithmetic shift operation
- With-fast-alist
- (with-fast-alist name form) causes name to be a fast alist
for the execution of form.
- Set-difference$
- Elements of one list that are not elements of another
- Hons-clear
- (hons-clear gc) is a drastic garbage collection mechanism that
clears out the underlying Hons Space.
- Flush-compress
- Flush the under-the-hood array for the given name
- Rationalp
- Recognizer for rational numbers (ratios and integers)
- Por
- Parallel, Boolean version of or
- Rassoc
- Look up value in association list
- Remove-assoc
- Remove all pairs with a given key from an association list
- =
- Test equality of two numbers
- Pargs
- Parallel evaluation of arguments in a function call
- Nfix
- Coerce to a natural number
- Hons-copy
- (hons-copy x) returns a normed object that is equal to
- Alphorder
- Total order on atoms
- Subsetp
- Test if every member of one list is a member of the other
- Logand
- Bitwise logical `and' of zero or more integers
- Remove1-assoc
- Remove the first pair with a given key from an association list
- No-duplicatesp
- Check for duplicates in a list
- Mv-list
- Converting multiple-value result to a single-value list
- Canonical-pathname
- The true absolute filename, with soft links resolved
- Aset2
- Set the elements of a 2-dimensional array
- Floor
- Division returning an integer by truncating toward negative infinity
- Serialize-read
- Read a serialized ACL2 object from a file
- Random$
- Obtain a random value
- Fmt-to-comment-window
- Print to the comment window
- F-put-global
- Assign to a global variable in state
- Compress2
- Remove irrelevant pairs from a 2-dimensional array
- Concatenate
- Concatenate lists or strings together
- Fast-alist-clean
- (fast-alist-clean alist) can be used to eliminate
"shadowed pairs" from a fast alist.
- Assert$
- Cause a hard error if the given test is false
- Remove
- Remove all occurrences
- Remove1
- Remove first occurrences, testing using eql
- Intersectp
- Test whether two lists intersect
- Endp
- Recognizer for empty lists
- Put-assoc
- Modify an association list by associating a value with a key
- Princ$
- Print an atom
- Primitive
- Primitive functions built into ACL2 without definitions
- Keyword-value-listp
- Recognizer for true lists whose even-position elements are keywords
- True-list-fix
- Coerce to a true list
- Swap-stobjs
- Swap two congruent stobjs
- Integer-listp
- Recognizer for a true list of integers
- Illegal
- Print an error message and stop execution
- Hons-get
- (hons-get key alist) is the efficient lookup operation for fast-alists.
- With-output-lock
- Provides a mutual-exclusion mechanism for performing output in parallel
- Setenv$
- Set an environment variable
- Open-output-channel!
- When trust tags are needed to open output channels
- Fast-alist-free
- (fast-alist-free alist) throws away the hash table associated
with a fast alist.
- Er-progn
- Perform a sequence of state-changing ``error triples''
- Cw-print-base-radix
- Print to the comment window in a given print-base
- Reverse
- Reverse a list or string
- Cond
- Conditional based on if-then-else
- Complex
- Create an ACL2 number
- Add-to-set
- Add a symbol to a list
- Truncate
- Division returning an integer by truncating toward 0
- Digit-char-p
- The number, if any, corresponding to a given character
- Code-char
- The character corresponding to a given numeric code
- Char-code
- The numeric code for a given character
- Set-print-case
- Control whether symbols are printed in upper case or in lower case
- Set-print-base
- Control radix in which numbers are printed
- Read-ACL2-oracle
- Pop the oracle field of the state
- Error1
- Print an error message and cause a ``soft error''
- Print-object$
- Print an object to an open object output channel
- Plet
- Parallel version of let
- Integer-length
- Number of bits in two's complement integer representation
- Zip
- Testing an ``integer'' against 0
- With-live-state
- Allow a reference to state in raw Lisp
- Hons-assoc-equal
- (hons-assoc-equal key alist) is not fast; it serves as
the logical definition for hons-get.
- Extend-pathname
- Extend a relative pathname to an absolute pathname
- Logior
- Bitwise logical inclusive or of zero or more integers
- With-guard-checking-event
- Suppress or enable guard-checking for an event form
- Term-listp
- recognizer for a list of quotations of terms and of clauses
- Print-object$+
- Print an object to an open output channel in a specified manner
- Fmx-cw
- (fmx-cw str &rest args) => state
- String
- coerce to a string
- Mod
- Remainder using floor
- In-package
- Select current package
- Unary--
- Arithmetic negation function
- Set-print-radix
- Control printing of the radix for numbers
- Resize-list
- List resizer in support of stobjs
- Pkg-witness
- Return a specific symbol in the indicated package
- Revappend
- Concatenate the reverse of one list to another
- Null
- Recognizer for the empty list
- Term-list-listp
- recognizer for a list of clauses
- Make-fast-alist
- (make-fast-alist alist) creates a fast-alist from the input
alist, returning alist itself or, in some cases, a new object equal to
- Header
- Return the header of a 1- or 2-dimensional array
- Boole$
- Perform a bit-wise logical operation on 2 two's complement integers
- Subseq
- Subsequence of a string or list
- With-guard-checking-error-triple
- Suppress or enable guard-checking for a form
- /
- Macro for division and reciprocal
- Make-list
- Make a list of a given size
- Logxor
- Bitwise logical exclusive or of zero or more integers
- Char-upcase
- Turn lower-case characters into upper-case characters
- Char-downcase
- Turn upper-case characters into lower-case characters
- Strip-cars
- Collect up all first components of pairs in a list
- Set-fmt-hard-right-margin
- Set the right margin for formatted output
- Make-ord
- A constructor for ordinals.
- Ifix
- Coerce to an integer
- Fast-alist-free-on-exit
- Free a fast alist after the completion of some form.
- F-get-global
- Get the value of a global variable in state
- Aref2
- Access the elements of a 2-dimensional array
- Standard-char-p
- Recognizer for standard characters
- Lognot
- Bitwise not of a two's complement number
- Must-be-equal
- Attach code for execution
- Integer-range-p
- Recognizer for integers between two bounds.
- Getenv$
- Read an environment variable
- Binary-append
- concatenate two lists
- Last
- The last cons (not element) of a list
- Er-hard
- Print an error message and ``cause a hard error''
- Eqlablep
- The guard for the function eql
- Cpu-core-count
- The number of cpu cores
- Boolean-listp
- Recognizer for a true list of booleans
- Allocate-fixnum-range
- Set aside fixnums in GCL
- ACL2-numberp
- Recognizer for numbers
- Butlast
- All but a final segment of a list
- Pairlis$
- Zipper together two lists
- Mod-expt
- Exponential function
- Hons-equal
- (hons-equal x y) is a recursive equality check that optimizes
when parts of its arguments are normed.
- Gc$
- Invoke the garbage collector
- Substitute
- Substitute into a string or a list, using eql as test
- Ceiling
- Division returning an integer by truncating toward positive infinity
- With-stolen-alist
- (with-stolen-alist name form) ensures that name is a fast
alist at the start of the execution of form. At the end of execution, it
ensures that name is a fast alist if and only if it was originally. That
is, if name was not a fast alist originally, its hash table link is freed,
and if it was a fast alist originally but its table was modified during the
execution of form, that table is restored. Note that any extended table
created from the original fast alist during form must be manually freed.
- Mv?-let
- Calling possibly multi-valued ACL2 functions
- String-upcase
- In a given string, turn lower-case characters into upper-case
- String-downcase
- In a given string, turn upper-case characters into lower-case
- Round
- Division returning an integer by rounding off
- Count
- Count the number of occurrences of an item in a string or true-list
- Char
- The nth element (zero-based) of a string
- Sys-call-status
- Exit status from the preceding system call
- Progn$
- Execute a sequence of forms and return the value of the last one
- Pprogn
- Evaluate a sequence of forms that return state
- Lexorder
- Total order on ACL2 objects
- Hons-summary
- (hons-summary) prints basic information about the sizes of the
tables in the current Hons Space.
- Break$
- Cause an immediate Lisp break
- Assert*
- Create a guard proof obligation that given test holds
- Alpha-char-p
- Recognizer for alphabetic characters
- Strip-cdrs
- Collect up all second components of pairs in a list
- Serialize-write
- Write an ACL2 object into a file
- Keyword-listp
- Recognizer for true lists of keywords
- Logeqv
- Bitwise logical equivalence of zero or more integers
- List*
- Build a list
- Proofs-co
- The proofs character output channel
- Maximum-length
- Return the :maximum-length from the header of an array
- Fix
- Coerce to a number
- Explode-nonnegative-integer
- The list of characters in the radix-r form of a number
- Eqlable-listp
- Recognizer for a true list of objects each suitable for eql
- Dimensions
- Return the :dimensions from the header of a 1- or
2-dimensional array
- Default
- Return the :default from the header of a 1- or
2-dimensional array
- Arity
- number of arguments of a function symbol
- Upper-case-p
- Recognizer for upper case characters
- Sublis
- Substitute an alist into a tree
- Max
- The larger of two numbers
- Lower-case-p
- Recognizer for lower case characters
- Evenp
- Test whether an integer is even
- Explode-atom
- Convert any atom into a character-listp that contains
its printed representation, rendering numbers in your choice of print base.
- Change
- Mutator macro for defrec structures.
- Zerop
- Test an acl2-number against 0
- String<
- Less-than test for strings
- String-equal
- String equality without regard to case
- Abs
- The absolute value of a real number
- Set-print-base-radix
- Control radix in which numbers are printed and printing of the radix
- Print-base-p
- Recognizer for print bases that are understood by functions such as
explode-nonnegative-integer and explode-atom.
- Nonnegative-integer-quotient
- Natural number division function
- Intern$
- Create a new symbol in a given package
- Getprop
- Access fast property lists
- Binary-*
- Multiplication function
- Aset1-trusted
- Set the elements of a 1-dimensional array without invariant-risk
- Symbol<
- Less-than test for symbols
- String-append
- concatenate two strings
- Rfix
- Coerce to a rational number
- Mv?
- Return one or more values
- Logic-fns-list-listp
- Recognizer for when a given list of lists of terms calls only
:logic-mode function symbols
- Fast-alist-fork!
- (fast-alist-fork! alist ans) is an alternative to fast-alist-fork that produces a normed result.
- Er-hard?
- Print an error message and ``cause a hard error''
- Char-equal
- Character equality without regard to case
- 1+
- Increment by 1
- *standard-oi*
- An ACL2 object-based analogue of CLTL's *standard-input*
- Sys-call*
- Make a system call to the host OS, returning a status
- Pos-listp
- Recognizer for a true list of positive integers
- Mbt*
- Introduce a guard proof obligation
- Hons-wash!
- A version of hons-wash for parallel execution
- Hons-clear!
- A version of hons-clear for parallel execution
- Signum
- Indicator for positive, negative, or zero
- Rem
- Remainder using truncate
- Real/rationalp
- Recognizer for rational numbers (including real number in ACL2(r))
- Rational-listp
- Recognizer for a true list of rational numbers
- O-first-coeff
- Returns the first coefficient of an ordinal
- Logic-fnsp
- Recognizer for when a given term calls only :logic-mode function symbols
- Logic-fns-listp
- Recognizer for when a given list of terms calls only
:logic-mode function symbols
- Hons-copy-persistent
- (hons-copy-persistent x) returns a normed object that is
equal to X and which will be re-normed after any calls to hons-clear.
- Gc-strategy
- The garbage collection strategy
- Fast-alist-summary
- (fast-alist-summary) prints some basic statistics about any
current fast alists.
- String>=
- Less-than-or-equal test for strings
- String<=
- Less-than-or-equal test for strings
- Acons
- Constructor for association lists
- O-first-expt
- The first exponent of an ordinal
- Fast-alist-clean!
- (fast-alist-clean! alist) is an alternative to fast-alist-clean that produces a normed result.
- >=
- Greater-than-or-equal test
- >
- Greater-than test
- Subst
- A single substitution into a tree
- Logcount
- Number of ``on'' bits in a two's complement number
- Getpropc
- Access fast property lists
- Evens
- The even-indexed members of a list
- Er-soft
- Print an error message and ``cause a soft error''
- Digit-to-char
- Map a digit to a character
- Comp-gcl
- Compile some ACL2 functions leaving .c and .h files
- Atom-listp
- Recognizer for a true list of atoms
- Arities-okp
- check the arities of given function symbols
- ACL2-number-listp
- Recognizer for a true list of numbers
- /=
- Test inequality of two numbers
- Cadr
- car of the cdr
- *standard-ci*
- An ACL2 character-based analogue of CLTL's *standard-input*
- Unary-/
- Reciprocal function
- The-true-list
- Coerce an expected true list to a true list
- Realfix
- Coerce to a real number
- O-rst
- Returns the rest of an infinite ordinal
- Fast-alist-len
- (fast-alist-len alist) counts the number of unique keys in a
fast alist.
- Complex/complex-rationalp
- Recognizer for complex numbers
- Array2p
- Recognize a 2-dimensional array
- Array1p
- Recognize a 1-dimensional array
- Logtest
- Test if two integers share a `1' bit
- Logandc1
- Bitwise logical `and' of two ints, complementing the first
- Char<
- Less-than test for characters
- Trace-co
- The trace character output channel
- Putprop
- Update fast property lists
- Get-real-time
- Read elapsed real time
- Eqlable-alistp
- Recognizer for a true list of pairs whose cars are suitable for eql
- Count-keys
- Count the number of keys in association list
- Assoc-string-equal
- Look up key, a string, in association list
- Logorc1
- Bitwise logical inclusive or of two ints, complementing the first
- Logandc2
- Bitwise logical `and' of two ints, complementing the second
- Denominator
- Divisor of a ratio in lowest terms
- 1-
- Decrement by 1
- Packn
- Build a symbol from a list
- Logic-termp
- Recognizer for terms that call only :logic-mode
function symbols
- Logic-term-list-listp
- Recognizer for lists of lists of terms that call only
:logic-mode function symbols
- Fmt!
- (fmt! str alist co-channel state evisc) => state
- Fms
- (fms str alist co-channel state evisc) => state
- Cw!
- Print readably to the comment window
- Assoc-keyword
- Look up key in a keyword-value-listp
- String>
- Greater-than test for strings
- Numerator
- Dividend of a ratio in lowest terms
- Logorc2
- Bitwise logical inclusive or of two ints, complementing the second
- Char>=
- Greater-than-or-equal test for characters
- The-number
- Coerce an expected number to a number
- Odds
- The odd-indexed members of a list
- Makunbound-global
- Remove the value assigned to a global variable in state
- Make-character-list
- coerce to a list of characters
- Make
- Constructor macro for defrec structures.
- List$
- Build a list
- Int=
- Test equality of two integers
- Get-cpu-time
- Read elapsed cpu time
- Fmt-to-comment-window!
- Print readably to the comment window
- Fms!
- (fms! str alist co-channel state evisc) => state
- F-boundp-global
- Check whether a global variable in state has a value
- Complex-rationalp
- Recognizes complex rational numbers
- Alist-to-doublets
- Convert an alist to a list of two-element lists
- Access
- Accessor macro for defrec structures.
- Min
- The smaller of two numbers
- Lognor
- Bitwise logical `nor' of two integers
- Listp
- Recognizer for (not necessarily proper) lists
- Identity
- The identity function
- Char>
- Greater-than test for characters
- Char<=
- Less-than-or-equal test for characters
- Zpf
- Testing a nonnegative fixnum against 0
- Update-nth-array
- Update a stobj array
- Standard-char-listp
- Recognizer for a true list of standard characters
- O-finp
- Recognizes if an ordinal is finite
- Number-subtrees
- (number-subtrees x) returns the number of distinct subtrees of
X, in the sense of equal
- Logic-term-listp
- Recognizer for lists of terms that call only :logic-mode function symbols
- Last-cdr
- The last cdr of a list
- Fmt1!
- (fmt1! str alist col channel state evisc) => (mv col state)
- Fmt-to-comment-window!+
- Print readably and uninhibited to the comment window
- Character-alistp
- Recognizer for association lists with characters as keys
- Oddp
- Test whether an integer is odd
- Minusp
- Test whether a number is negative
- Lognand
- Bitwise logical `nand' of two integers
- Imagpart
- Imaginary part of a complex number
- Conjugate
- Complex number conjugate
- Xor
- Logical ``exclusive or''
- Unquote
- Obtain the object being quoted
- String-alistp
- Recognizer for association lists with strings as keys
- Packn-pos
- Build a symbol in a specified package from a list
- Maybe-flush-and-compress1
- Compress a one-dimensional array only if necessary
- Kwote
- Quote an arbitrary object
- Fmt1
- (fmt1 str alist col co-channel state evisc) => (mv col state)
- Fmt-to-comment-window+
- Print uninhibited to the comment window
- Cw-print-base-radix!
- Print to the comment window in a given print-base
- Alist-keys-subsetp
- Check that all keys of the alist belong to a given set
- Realpart
- Real part of a complex number
- Plusp
- Test whether a number is positive
- First
- First member of the list
- Symbol-name-lst
- Lift symbol-name to lists
- R-symbol-alistp
- Recognizer for association lists with symbols as values
- R-eqlable-alistp
- Recognizer for a true list of pairs whose cdrs are suitable for eql
- Fmx
- (fmx str &rest args) => state
- Cw!+
- Print readably and uninhibited to the comment window
- Cons-subtrees
- Build a fast alist whose keys are the subtrees of X
- Cons-count-bounded
- Count the number of conses (up to a limit)
- Cddr
- cdr of the cdr
- Caar
- car of the car
- Proper-consp
- Recognizer for proper (nil-terminated) non-empty lists
- Kwote-lst
- Quote an arbitrary true list of objects
- Improper-consp
- Recognizer for improper (non-nil-terminated) non-empty lists
- Cw+
- Print uninhibited to the comment window
- Rest
- Rest (cdr) of the list
- Standard-char-p+
- Recognizer for standard characters whose guard is t
- Mbe1
- Attach code for execution
- Caddr
- car of the cddr
- Pairlis-x2
- Cons each element of a list with a given element
- Pairlis-x1
- Cons a given element to each member of a list
- O>=
- The greater-than-or-equal relation for the ordinals
- O<=
- The less-than-or-equal relation for the ordinals
- O-infp
- Recognizes if an ordinal is infinite
- Merge-sort-lexorder
- Sort a list
- Fix-true-list
- Coerce to a true list
- Cdddr
- cdr of the cddr
- Set-fmt-soft-right-margin
- Set the soft right margin for formatted output
- Real-listp
- ACL2(r) recognizer for a true list of real numbers
- O>
- The greater-than relation for the ordinals
- Cddar
- cdr of the cdar
- Cdar
- cdr of the car
- Cdadr
- cdr of the cadr
- Cdaar
- cdr of the caar
- Cadar
- car of the cdar
- Caadr
- car of the cadr
- Caaar
- car of the caar
- Cadddr
- car of the cdddr
- Caddar
- car of the cddar
- Third
- Third member of the list
- Tenth
- Tenth member of the list
- Sixth
- Sixth member of the list
- Seventh
- Seventh member of the list
- Second
- Second member of the list
- Ninth
- Ninth member of the list
- Fourth
- Fourth member of the list
- Fifth
- Fifth member of the list
- Eighth
- Eighth member of the list
- Cddddr
- cdr of the cdddr
- Cdddar
- cdr of the cddar
- Cddadr
- cdr of the cdadr
- Cddaar
- cdr of the cdaar
- Cdaddr
- cdr of the caddr
- Cdadar
- cdr of the cadar
- Cdaadr
- cdr of the caadr
- Cdaaar
- cdr of the caaar
- Cadadr
- car of the cdadr
- Cadaar
- car of the cdaar
- Caaddr
- car of the caddr
- Caadar
- car of the cadar
- Caaadr
- car of the caadr
- Caaaar
- car of the caaar
- Hons-shrink-alist!
- Deprecated feature
- Hons-shrink-alist
- Deprecated feature
- Flush-hons-get-hash-table-link
- Deprecated feature
- Delete-assoc
- Deprecated version of remove1-assoc