An executable parser of Yul.
This is a simple parser for Yul code.
The parser lexes
and tokenizes
according to the lexical grammar rules,
and then parses according to the syntactic grammar rules.
See grammar.
The primary API for parsing Yul is
parse-yul and parse-yul-bytes.
- Parse-keyword
- Attempts to eat the named keyword.
- Parse-variable-declaration
- Attempts to eat a variable declaration and build a statement AST node of kind :variable-single or :variable-multi.
- Parse-symbol
- Attempts to eat the named symbol, returning either the list of remaining tokens or a reserr.
- Parse-literal
- Attempts to eat a literal and build a literal AST node.
- Parse-identifier
- Attempts to eat an identifier token and build an identifier AST node.
- Hex-chars-and-uscores-to-hex-string-rest-element-list
- Map the characters of a hex string after the first two
to a list of hex string elements.
- Parse-assignment-statement
- Attempts to eat an assignment statement and build a statement AST node of kind :assign-single or :assign-multiple.
- Parse-identifier-and-open-paren
- Attempts to eat an identifier and a following open parenthesis, and build an identifier AST node.
- Parse-*-comma-identifier
- Parses zero or more occurrences of '"," identifier' and returns a list of identifier AST nodes.
- Parse-*-.-identifier
- Parses zero or more occurrences of '"." identifier' and returns a list of identifier AST nodes.
- Parse-continue-statement
- Attempts to eat a "continue" keyword and build a statement AST node of kind :continue.
- Parse-*-comma-path
- Parses zero or more occurrences of '"," path' and returns a list of path AST nodes.
- Parse-path
- Attempts to eat a path and build a path AST node.
- Parse-leave-statement
- Attempts to eat a "leave" keyword and build a statement AST node of kind :leave.
- Parse-break-statement
- Attempts to eat a "break" keyword and build a statement AST node of kind :break.
- Cst2ast-hex-string
- Given a :nonleaf tree with rulename "hex-string",
return the appropriate literal AST node.
- Cst2ast-string-literal-content
- Cst2ast-escape-sequence
- Cst2ast-string-literal-contents
- Cst2ast-quoted-printable
- Given a :nonleaf tree for rulename "single-quoted-printable"
or "double-quoted-printable", returns a string-element-char.
- Parse-yul
- Parses a Yul source program string into abstract syntax.
- Cst2ast-string-literal
- Given a :nonleaf tree with rulename "string-literal",
return the appropriate literal AST node.
- Parse-yul-bytes
- Parses the Yul source program bytes into abstract syntax.
- Cst2ast-hex-number
- Given a :nonleaf tree with rulename "hex-number",
return the appropriate literal AST node.
- Cst2ast-uhhhh
- Cst2ast-literal-kind
- Given a tree under :nonleaf literal, return the appropriate literal AST node.
- Cst2ast-decimal-number
- Given a :nonleaf ABNF tree with rulename "decimal-number",
return the appropriate literal AST node.
- Cst2ast-xhh
- Cst2ast-single-char
- Cst2ast-boolean
- Given a :nonleaf tree with rulename "boolean",
return the appropriate literal AST node.
- Parse-*-case-clause
- Eats as many case clauses and possible (zero or more).
- Looks-like-hex-string-fringe
- Cst2ast-hex-digit-char-list
- Parse-*-statement
- Eats as many statements as possible (zero or more).
- Parse-*-comma-expression
- Parses zero or more occurrences of '"," expression' and returns a list of expression AST nodes.
- Parse-switch-statement
- Eats a switch statement and builds a statement AST node of kind :switch.
- Parse-if-statement
- Eats an if statement and builds a statement AST node of kind :if.
- Parse-for-statement
- Eats a for statement and builds a statement AST node of kind :for.
- Parse-expression
- Attempts to eat an expression and build an expression AST node.
- Parse-case-clause
- Eats a case clause for a switch statement and builds an swcase AST node.
- Parse-fundef
- Eats a function definition and builds a fundef AST node.
- Parse-function-call
- Attempts to eat a function call and build a funcall AST node.
- Parse-block
- Eats a block (delimited by { }) and builds a block AST node.
- *single-quote-tree-list*
- A CST for the single quote start or end of a Yul string.
- *double-quote-tree-list*
- A CST for the double quote start or end of a Yul string.
- *yul-keywords*
- *single-quoted-content-rulenames*
- *list-leafterm-x*
- *list-leafterm-u*
- *list-leafterm-92*
- *double-quoted-content-rulenames*
- *yul-symbols*