Array-to-pointer conversion [C17:] on expression values.
(apconvert-expr-value eval) → eval1
Under most circumstances, an array is converted to a pointer to the first element of the array [C17:]; indeed, arrays are used like pointers most of the time.
This cannot be formalized on values: we need expression values, because we need to know where the array is in storage (i.e. we need to know its object designator), so that we can construct a pointer to it. Non-array expression values are left unchanged. If the array has no object designator, we return an error; this should only happen for arrays with temporary lifetime [C17:6.2.4/8], which are currently not part of our C subset.
We make a slight approximation for now: instead of returning a pointer to the first element of the array, we return a pointer to the array. This is adequate in our current formalization of our C subset, because of the way we formalize array indexing (e.g. see exec-arrsub); however, we plan to make this, and array indexing, consistent with full C.
The static counterpart of this is apconvert-type.
(defun apconvert-expr-value (eval) (declare (xargs :guard (expr-valuep eval))) (let ((__function__ 'apconvert-expr-value)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((expr-value eval) eval)) (if (value-case eval.value :array) (if eval.object (make-expr-value :value (make-value-pointer :core (pointer-valid eval.object) :reftype (value-array->elemtype eval.value)) :object nil) (error (list :array-without-designator (expr-value-fix eval)))) (expr-value-fix eval)))))
(defthm expr-value-resultp-of-apconvert-expr-value (b* ((eval1 (apconvert-expr-value eval))) (expr-value-resultp eval1)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm apconvert-expr-value-when-not-array (implies (not (equal (value-kind (expr-value->value eval)) :array)) (equal (apconvert-expr-value eval) (expr-value-fix eval))))
(defthm apconvert-expr-value-of-expr-value-fix-eval (equal (apconvert-expr-value (expr-value-fix eval)) (apconvert-expr-value eval)))
(defthm apconvert-expr-value-expr-value-equiv-congruence-on-eval (implies (expr-value-equiv eval eval-equiv) (equal (apconvert-expr-value eval) (apconvert-expr-value eval-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)