Fixtype of formats of signed char objects.
This is a product type introduced by fty::defprod.
- signed — signed-format
- trap — booleanp
Values of the signed char type, like all the other values,
must be represented as one or more bytes [ISO:].
Objects of the signed char type,
like all other signed integer objects,
must have no more value bits
than value bits of their unsigned counterpart
i.e. unsigned char objects in this case,
which consist of exactly one byte (see uchar-format):
therefore, signed char objects must take exactly one byte as well.
Since signed char objects must have one sign bit and no padding bits
they must have exactly \mathtt{CHAR\_BIT} - 1 value bits.
Since the values of the value bits of a signed integer type
must be equal to the value bits of the unsigned integer type counterpart
the value bits of signed char values are the low bits of the byte,
and the sign is the high bit.
While the byte/bit format of signed char is thus set,
the exact values represented by this byte/bit format depend on the signed format (when the sign bit is 1).
Furthermore, [ISO:] identifies one specific bit pattern,
for each signed format,
as a possible trap representation:
it either is a trap representation or it is not.
These two choices
(i.e. the signed format,
and whether the specific pattern is a trap representation),
completely define the representation of signed char.
We formalize the format of signed char as consisting of
a specification of signed format
and a boolean flag saying whether the aforementioned pattern is a trap.
- Schar-format-fix
- Fixing function for schar-format structures.
- Schar-format-equiv
- Basic equivalence relation for schar-format structures.
- Make-schar-format
- Basic constructor macro for schar-format structures.
- Schar-format->signed
- Get the signed field from a schar-format.
- Schar-formatp
- Recognizer for schar-format structures.
- Schar-format->trap
- Get the trap field from a schar-format.
- Change-schar-format
- Modifying constructor for schar-format structures.