Events generated by definterface-hash.
(definterface-hash-fn name input-size-limit output-size name-bits name-bytes topic parents short long) → event?
(defun definterface-hash-fn (name input-size-limit output-size name-bits name-bytes topic parents short long) (declare (xargs :guard t)) (let ((__function__ 'definterface-hash-fn)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((unless (symbolp name)) (raise "The NAME input must be a symbol, ~ but it is ~x0 instead." name)) ((unless (or (null input-size-limit) (and (posp input-size-limit) (integerp (/ input-size-limit 8))))) (raise "The :INPUT-SIZE-LIMIT must be NIL or ~ a positive integer multiple of 8, ~ but it is ~x0 instead." input-size-limit)) (input-size-limit-/-8 (if input-size-limit (/ input-size-limit 8) nil)) ((unless (and (posp output-size) (integerp (/ output-size 8)))) (raise "The :OUTPUT-SIZE must be ~ a positive integer multiple of 8, ~ but it is ~x0 instead." output-size)) (output-size-/-8 (/ output-size 8)) ((unless (symbolp name-bits)) (raise "The :NAME-BITS input must be a symbol, ~ but it is ~x0 instead." name-bits)) ((unless (symbolp name-bytes)) (raise "The :NAME-BITS input must be a symbol, ~ but it is ~x0 instead." name-bits)) ((unless (symbolp topic)) (raise "The :TOPIC input must be a symbol, ~ but it is ~x0 instead." topic)) (pkg (symbol-package-name name)) (pkg (if (equal pkg *main-lisp-package-name*) "ACL2" pkg)) (pkg-witness (pkg-witness pkg)) (topic (or topic (add-suffix-to-fn name "-INTERFACE"))) (name-bits (or name-bits (add-suffix-to-fn name "-BITS"))) (name-bytes (or name-bytes (add-suffix-to-fn name "-BYTES"))) (bit-listp-bits (acl2::packn-pos (list 'bit-list-of- name-bits) pkg-witness)) (byte-listp-bytes (acl2::packn-pos (list 'byte-list-of- name-bytes) pkg-witness)) (len-bits (acl2::packn-pos (list 'len-of- name-bits) pkg-witness)) (len-bytes (acl2::packn-pos (list 'len-of- name-bytes) pkg-witness)) (true-listp-bits (acl2::packn-pos (list 'true-listp-of- name-bits) pkg-witness)) (true-listp-bytes (acl2::packn-pos (list 'true-listp-of- name-bytes) pkg-witness)) (consp-bits (acl2::packn-pos (list 'consp-of- name-bits) pkg-witness)) (consp-bytes (acl2::packn-pos (list 'consp-of- name-bytes) pkg-witness)) (guard-bits (if input-size-limit (cons 'and (cons '(bit-listp bits) (cons (cons '< (cons '(len bits) (cons input-size-limit 'nil))) 'nil))) '(bit-listp bits))) (guard-bytes (if input-size-limit (cons 'and (cons '(byte-listp bytes) (cons (cons '< (cons '(len bytes) (cons input-size-limit-/-8 'nil))) 'nil))) '(byte-listp bytes))) (sig-bits (cons (cons name-bits '(*)) (cons '=> (cons '* (cons ':formals (cons '(bits) (cons ':guard (cons guard-bits 'nil)))))))) (sig-bytes (cons (cons name-bytes '(*)) (cons '=> (cons '* (cons ':formals (cons '(bytes) (cons ':guard (cons guard-bytes 'nil)))))))) (wit-bits (cons 'local (cons (cons 'defun (cons name-bits (cons '(bits) (cons '(declare (ignore bits)) (cons (cons 'make-list (cons output-size '(:initial-element 0))) 'nil))))) 'nil))) (wit-bytes (cons 'local (cons (cons 'defun (cons name-bytes (cons '(bytes) (cons '(declare (ignore bytes)) (cons (cons 'make-list (cons output-size-/-8 '(:initial-element 0))) 'nil))))) 'nil))) (bit-listp-thm (cons 'defrule (cons bit-listp-bits (cons (cons 'bit-listp (cons (cons name-bits '(bits)) 'nil)) 'nil)))) (byte-listp-thm (cons 'defrule (cons byte-listp-bytes (cons (cons 'byte-listp (cons (cons name-bytes '(bytes)) 'nil)) 'nil)))) (len-bits-thm (cons 'defrule (cons len-bits (cons (cons 'equal (cons (cons 'len (cons (cons name-bits '(bits)) 'nil)) (cons output-size 'nil))) 'nil)))) (len-bytes-thm (cons 'defrule (cons len-bytes (cons (cons 'equal (cons (cons 'len (cons (cons name-bytes '(bytes)) 'nil)) (cons output-size-/-8 'nil))) 'nil)))) (fix-bits-thms (cons 'fty::deffixequiv (cons name-bits '(:args ((bits bit-listp)))))) (fix-bytes-thms (cons 'fty::deffixequiv (cons name-bytes '(:args ((bytes byte-listp)))))) (true-listp-bits-thm (cons 'defrule (cons true-listp-bits (cons (cons 'true-listp (cons (cons name-bits '(bits)) 'nil)) '(:rule-classes :type-prescription :enable acl2::true-listp-when-bit-listp-compound-recognizer))))) (true-listp-bytes-thm (cons 'defrule (cons true-listp-bytes (cons (cons 'true-listp (cons (cons name-bytes '(bytes)) 'nil)) '(:rule-classes :type-prescription :enable acl2::true-listp-when-byte-listp-compound-recognizer))))) (consp-bits-thm (cons 'defrule (cons consp-bits (cons (cons 'consp (cons (cons name-bits '(bits)) 'nil)) (cons ':rule-classes (cons ':type-prescription (cons ':use (cons len-bits (cons ':disable (cons len-bits 'nil)))))))))) (consp-bytes-thm (cons 'defrule (cons consp-bytes (cons (cons 'consp (cons (cons name-bytes '(bytes)) 'nil)) (cons ':rule-classes (cons ':type-prescription (cons ':use (cons len-bytes (cons ':disable (cons len-bytes 'nil)))))))))) (table-event (cons 'table (cons *definterface-hash-table-name* (cons (cons 'quote (cons name 'nil)) (cons (cons 'quote (cons (make-definterface-hash-info :input-size-limit input-size-limit :output-size output-size) 'nil)) 'nil)))))) (cons 'encapsulate (cons 'nil (cons '(logic) (cons (cons 'defsection (cons topic (append (and parents (list :parents parents)) (append (and short (list :short short)) (append (and long (list :long long)) (cons (cons 'encapsulate (cons (cons sig-bits (cons sig-bytes 'nil)) (cons wit-bits (cons wit-bytes (cons bit-listp-thm (cons byte-listp-thm (cons len-bits-thm (cons len-bytes-thm (cons fix-bits-thms (cons fix-bytes-thms 'nil)))))))))) (cons true-listp-bits-thm (cons true-listp-bytes-thm (cons consp-bits-thm (cons consp-bytes-thm 'nil)))))))))) (cons table-event 'nil))))))))