Validate a floating constant.
A floating constant is always valid: [C17:] states no restrictions, except for a recommended practice to provide a diagnostic message in certain cases, which also instructs to proceed with compilation nonetheless, suggesting that it should be only a warning, not an error.
The type is determined solely by the suffix, including its absence [C17:].
(defun valid-fconst (fconst) (declare (xargs :guard (fconstp fconst))) (let ((__function__ 'valid-fconst)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((suffix? (fconst-case fconst :dec fconst.suffix? :hex fconst.suffix?))) (cond ((not suffix?) (type-double)) ((or (fsuffix-case suffix? :locase-f) (fsuffix-case suffix? :upcase-f)) (type-float)) ((or (fsuffix-case suffix? :locase-l) (fsuffix-case suffix? :upcase-l)) (type-ldouble)) (t (prog2$ (impossible) (irr-type)))))))
(defthm typep-of-valid-fconst (b* ((type (valid-fconst fconst))) (typep type)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm valid-fconst-of-fconst-fix-fconst (equal (valid-fconst (fconst-fix fconst)) (valid-fconst fconst)))
(defthm valid-fconst-fconst-equiv-congruence-on-fconst (implies (fconst-equiv fconst fconst-equiv) (equal (valid-fconst fconst) (valid-fconst fconst-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)