See if a rule could be used to define a type/subtype relationship.
(rule-simple-subs rule-name grammar) → sub-rule-names
This uses a very restrictive definition of whether the rule names in a rule are being used like a type/subtype relationship:
For example:
integer-type = unsigned-type / signed-type
If all of the requirements are satisified, the return value is a list of the "sub" rulenames. Otherwise a reserrp is returned.
(defun rule-simple-subs (rule-name grammar) (declare (xargs :guard (and (common-lisp::stringp rule-name) (rulelistp grammar)))) (let ((__function__ 'rule-simple-subs)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((mv rules ?not-rules) (rules-of-name (rulename (str-fix rule-name)) grammar)) ((unless (equal (len rules) 1)) (reserrf (cons :not-exactly-one-rule-with-name rule-name))) (the-rule (car rules)) ((when (rule->incremental the-rule)) (reserrf (cons :the-rule-is-incremental the-rule))) (alt (rule->definiens the-rule)) ((unless (alternationp alt)) (reserrf (cons :impossible alt)))) (rulenames-from-singular-conc-and-rep (rule->definiens the-rule)))))
(defthm string-list-resultp-of-rule-simple-subs (b* ((sub-rule-names (rule-simple-subs rule-name grammar))) (acl2::string-list-resultp sub-rule-names)) :rule-classes :rewrite)