Validate a function call expression, given the types of the sub-expressions.
(valid-funcall expr type-fun types-arg) → (mv erp type)
After converting function types to pointer types, the first sub-expression must have pointer type [C17:]; since we currently have just one pointer type, we cannot check that it is a pointer to a function. For the same reason, we do not check the argument types against the function type [C17:]. Also for the same reason, we return the unknown type, because we do not have information about the result type.
There is no need to perform array-to-pointer conversion, because array types cannot have function element types, but only (complete) object element types [C17:6.2.5/20]. Thus, the conversion could never result into a pointer to a function.
(defun valid-funcall (expr type-fun types-arg) (declare (xargs :guard (and (exprp expr) (typep type-fun) (type-listp types-arg)))) (declare (xargs :guard (expr-case expr :funcall))) (let ((__function__ 'valid-funcall)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((reterr) (irr-type)) ((when (or (type-case type-fun :unknown) (member-equal (type-unknown) (type-list-fix types-arg)))) (retok (type-unknown))) (type (type-fpconvert type-fun)) ((unless (type-case type :pointer)) (reterr (msg "In the function call expression ~x0, ~ the first sub-expression has type ~x1." (expr-fix expr) (type-fix type-fun))))) (retok (type-unknown)))))
(defthm typep-of-valid-funcall.type (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?type) (valid-funcall expr type-fun types-arg))) (typep type)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm valid-funcall-of-expr-fix-expr (equal (valid-funcall (expr-fix expr) type-fun types-arg) (valid-funcall expr type-fun types-arg)))
(defthm valid-funcall-expr-equiv-congruence-on-expr (implies (expr-equiv expr expr-equiv) (equal (valid-funcall expr type-fun types-arg) (valid-funcall expr-equiv type-fun types-arg))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm valid-funcall-of-type-fix-type-fun (equal (valid-funcall expr (type-fix type-fun) types-arg) (valid-funcall expr type-fun types-arg)))
(defthm valid-funcall-type-equiv-congruence-on-type-fun (implies (type-equiv type-fun type-fun-equiv) (equal (valid-funcall expr type-fun types-arg) (valid-funcall expr type-fun-equiv types-arg))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm valid-funcall-of-type-list-fix-types-arg (equal (valid-funcall expr type-fun (type-list-fix types-arg)) (valid-funcall expr type-fun types-arg)))
(defthm valid-funcall-type-list-equiv-congruence-on-types-arg (implies (type-list-equiv types-arg types-arg-equiv) (equal (valid-funcall expr type-fun types-arg) (valid-funcall expr type-fun types-arg-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)