J S. Moore, “Milestones from The Pure
Lisp Theorem Prover to ACL2”, Formal Aspects of Computing,
Springer, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s00165-019-00490-3, 2019.
Relevance: how the Edinburgh Pure Lisp Theorem
Prover (PLTP) evolved into ACL2
We discuss the evolutionary path from the Edinburgh Pure Lisp Theorem Prover of the early 1970s to its modern counterpart, A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp, aka ACL2, which is in regular industrial use. Among the milestones in this evolution are the adoption of a first-order subset of a programming language as a logic; the analysis of recursive definitions to guess appropriate mathematical induction schemes; the use of simplification in inductive proofs; the incorporation of rewrite rules derived from user-suggested lemmas; the generalization of that idea to allow the user to affect other proof techniques soundly; the recognition that evaluation efficiency is paramount so that formal models can serve as prototypes and the logic can be used to reprogram the system; use of the system to prove extensions correct; the incorporation of decision procedures; the provision of hierarchically structured libraries of previously certified results to configure the prover; the provision of system programming features to allow verification tools to be built and verified within the system; the release of many verified collections of lemmas supporting floating point, programming languages, and hardware platforms; a verified “bit-bashing” tool exploiting verified BDD and checked external SAT procedures; and the provision of certain higher-order features within the first-order setting. As will become apparent, some of these milestones were suggested or even prototyped by users. Some additional non-technical aspects of the project are also critical. Among these are a devotion to soundness, good documentation, freely available source code, production of a system usable by industry, responsiveness to user needs, and a dedicated, passionate, and brilliant user community.