R. S. Boyer and J S. Moore, “Proving
Theorems about LISP Functions”, in Proceedings of the Third
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI),
Stanford University, pp. 486-493, 1973.
Relevance: journal article about the Edinburgh Pure
Lisp Theorem Prover (PLTP)
For a longer, journal version of this paper see R. S. Boyer and J S. Moore, “Proving Theorems about LISP Functions”, Journal of the ACM, 22(1), pp. 129-144, 1975.
The IJCAI'73 paper was the first widely accessible description of the Edinburgh Pure Lisp Theorem Prover (PLTP). The key ideas in the theorem prover were the use of Lisp as a logic, the reliance on recursive function definitions, extensive use of rewriting and symbolic evaluation, and an induction heuristic based on the failure of symbolic evaluation. The system was fully automatic; there were no provisions for user supplied lemmas or hints.
The “proveall” (regression suite) included such theorems as
associativity of
The PLTP Archive contains a wealth of information about PLTP and its 1973 implementation in POP-2, including the POP-2 Reference Manual, scanned OCR listings of the PLTP source code, listings of proof output, and modern reconstructions of PLTP in OCaml (by Grant Passmore) and ACL2 (by J Moore).