Attempts to eat the named
(parse-symbol symbol tokens) → tokens-after-symbol-or-reserr
In this context,
Parsing a symbol as a concrete syntax tree means we look for a nonleaf tree
where the rulename is
(defun parse-symbol (symbol tokens) (declare (xargs :guard (and (stringp symbol) (abnf::tree-listp tokens)))) (let ((__function__ 'parse-symbol)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (if (not (member-equal symbol *yul-symbols*)) (prog2$ (er hard? 'top-level (string-append "parse-symbol called on something not in *yul-symbols*: " symbol)) (reserrf (cons "program logic error" tokens))) (b* (((when (endp tokens)) (reserrf (cons (string-append "ran out of tokens when trying to parse symbol: " symbol) tokens))) (putative-symbol-tree (first tokens)) ((unless (and (abnf::tree-case putative-symbol-tree :nonleaf) (equal (abnf::tree-nonleaf->rulename? putative-symbol-tree) (abnf::rulename "symbol")))) (reserrf (cons "token is not a symbol" tokens))) (branches (abnf::tree-nonleaf->branches putative-symbol-tree)) ((unless (and (listp branches) (equal (len branches) 1) (listp (car branches)) (equal (len (car branches)) 1) (abnf::treep (caar branches)) (abnf::tree-case (caar branches) :leafterm))) (prog2$ (er hard? 'top-level (string-append "symbol token seems to have the wrong structure for symbol:" symbol)) (reserrf (cons "cst structure error" tokens)))) (leafterm-nats (abnf::tree-leafterm->get (caar branches))) ((unless (unsigned-byte-listp 8 leafterm-nats)) (prog2$ (er hard? 'top-level (string-append "unexpected type of leafterm nats when parsing symbol: " symbol)) (reserrf (cons "cst structure error 2" tokens)))) (terminal-symbol (nats=>string leafterm-nats)) ((unless (equal symbol terminal-symbol)) (reserrf (cons (concatenate 'string "looking for symbol: '" symbol "', but received symbol: '" terminal-symbol "'") tokens)))) (abnf::tree-list-fix (rest tokens))))))
(defthm tree-list-resultp-of-parse-symbol (b* ((tokens-after-symbol-or-reserr (parse-symbol symbol tokens))) (abnf::tree-list-resultp tokens-after-symbol-or-reserr)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm len-of-parse-symbol-< (b* ((?tokens-after-symbol-or-reserr (parse-symbol symbol tokens))) (implies (not (reserrp tokens-after-symbol-or-reserr)) (< (len tokens-after-symbol-or-reserr) (len tokens)))) :rule-classes :linear)