Hash any reasonable number of inputs to any number of outputs using RATE=4
(hash4-many inputs count) → outputs
The inputs and outputs are field elements.
This interface function prepends RATE elements to the input to construct the preimage: [ DOMAIN || LENGTH(INPUT) || [0; RATE-2] || INPUT ], and then calls the main hash function.
The number of inputs must be less than the field size so that the length field is expressable.
(defun hash4-many (inputs count) (declare (xargs :guard (and (fe-listp inputs primes::*bls12-377-scalar-field-prime*) (natp count)))) (declare (xargs :guard (fep (len inputs) primes::*bls12-377-scalar-field-prime*))) (let ((__function__ 'hash4-many)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (let ((preimage-and-inputs (cons (rate-4-domain-fe) (cons (len inputs) (append (repeat 2 0) inputs))))) (hash preimage-and-inputs (rate-4-alpha-17-parameters) count))))
(defthm fe-listp-of-hash4-many (b* ((outputs (hash4-many inputs count))) (fe-listp outputs primes::*bls12-377-scalar-field-prime*)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm true-listp-of-hash4-many (b* ((outputs (hash4-many inputs count))) (true-listp outputs)) :rule-classes :type-prescription)
(defthm len-of-hash4-many (b* ((?outputs (hash4-many inputs count))) (equal (len outputs) (nfix count))))